Characteristics of Child Development. Please answer all the questions and cite the resources.
Review your readings, an focus specifically on the five developmental characteristics discussed in the Berger text (i.e., development is multidirectional, multidisciplinary,multicontextual, multicultural, and plastic) and on the additional characteristics described in the Smidt text (i.e., development is embedded in history, culture, and economy). Next, select three development characteristics (with at least one from the Smidt text).
In what ways does each of the characteristics you chose apply to the study of prenatal development?
Based on your professional experiences and what you have learned in the program so far: Which, if any, of the developmental characteristics presented, o you consider important to understanding child development?
Based on what you learned this week, what assumptions, if any, did you bring to this course?
Have any of these assumptions been dispelled, and if so, in what ways?