Discussion 1
As there are so many different treatment approaches, it is hard to say which ones would be better than the others. It is important for a therapist to continue to grow and adapt to the needs of their clients so they don't become professionally stagnant. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a common treatment approach for therapists.
It includes methods that continue to show success in their clients and prove production. Cognitive behavioral therapy affects termination in a way that it outlines the tools for success for each patient individually.
When a patient and their therapist are on the same page, they both feel like progress is being made each day. It will be easier and much smoother for the client to say goodbye to the therapy sessions and move forward on their journey. This type of method to therapy is a major influence on a client's termination.
Another influence could be that the patient is ready to take the leap based on the confidence and knowledge that he/she has gained throughout their therapeutic relationship with their therapist. A successful solution is formed from a healthy and safe relationship between the therapist and client from the very beginning.
In the therapist's eyes, I feel that there are a couple different influences that lead to termination of their client. Of course, the success of the client through their therapy sessions is a big sign to see if they are ready to walk on their own. In an unfortunate case where the client refuses to give effort and make progress, termination can be influenced in this manner as well. It is not likely that this type of termination occurs, but I'm certain that it might in some instances. Perhaps if a client and therapist are unable to get along or work productively together, there may be an option to switch roles.
McCarthy, C. J. & Archer, J., Jr. (2013). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. ISBN: 9781621781059
Discussion 2
Nice post! I agree there are several approaches one can take in therapy. Trying to determine which approach would work better in a situation may come with trial and error. Cognitive behavioral therapy is widely used as it works for many reasons situations. Do you agree? It is best practice as you stated for a patient and therapist to be on the same page when it comes to termination.
This way both are working toward it together. Cognitive therapy can help with the feelings of anxiety from the client that he or she will need to try and move through life without the guidance of a therapist. It is important for the client to recognize that they have learned many skills during therapy and can proceed on their own. What actions do you think a client or a therapist can take to ensure this transition process handles smoothly? Sensitive acuity can help on the termination process as a client can send nonverbal signals to the therapist.
DQ 3
This learner chose reality therapy because it seems so real and has a focus on the outside and inside of one's life. In the text, the main goal is to establish a trusting relationship with the client (McCarthy, 2013). The text also talks about fundamental needs and wants, which all humans have and the outside world does not control our actions but informs us about information that we can choose to act on (McCarthy, 2013).
This type of therapy uses a photo album called quality world, which is used to store images of need or conditions that satisfy the client. Any discrepancies from the information that we get from the real world makes a need for a new unified system that consists of actions, thoughts, feeling, and physiology to be brought into the session. If a trusting relationship is not possible or formed in a timely matter, then termination may also be the solution.
In what ways do you think this treatment approach will affect terminations?
This part brings us back to competency. If the needs or the new system that consists of action, thoughts, feelings, and physiology get out of hand, to complicated or go beyond what the counselor feels they can handle, then termination and a referral out should occur immediately.
Describe at least two other factors that influence a client's termination experience.
Stagnation or no growth or change and not doing their responsibility. In sessions and in life, the client does not show change. Also, if the client does not do their part such as showing up, homework, participation, honesty, and in other areas.
Two factors that influence a counselor's experience of a client's termination.
They do not feel they are getting help that is needed. They are not moving forward or seeing change within the client's life. Little effort in sessions is a sure sign too.
McCarthy, C. J. & Archer, J., Jr. (2013). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. ISBN: 9781621781059
You stated that clients chose reality therapy because it seems so real and has a focus on the outside and inside of one's life. McCarthy and Archer (2013) explain that the main goal of reality therapy is to establish a trusting relationship with the client(s). As you pointed out, it is imperative for a trusting client-therapist relationship is built early into the therapy, then it could lead to early termination.
McCarthy and Archer (2013) informed us that another reason a client may terminate therapy early is if the client feels they are not progressing as quickly as they had hoped. It is important for therapists to acknowledge little effort during therapy sessions as this is a predictor of early termination.
If you had a client whom you thought was thinking of pursuing early termination due to lack of progress, what would you say to him or her?
McCarthy, C. J. & Archer, J., Jr. (2013). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.