
In what ways did the 13th 14th and 15th amendments to the

History very short 500 word Essay needed TODAY!

The end of the Civil War left the United States in tatters. The southern states that had seceded from the Union in the interests of preserving the right to own slaves were devastated economically from four years of war. The northern states that had emerged as victors in the Civil War also had suffered. The task that faced the nation was not only one of reuniting two constituencies who had bitterly fought one another but also of finding a way to heal. The healing, many says, is still continuing.

We will reflect on the process of healing a divided nation in this brief essay. Please do the following:

• Complete the module's assigned readings, and view the assigned video presentations.

• Write an essay of 250-500 words (1-2 pages, typewritten and double-spaced) that connects the thoughts that President Obama shared with the nation in his 2013 Inaugural Addresswith the primary source documents from Voices of Freedom and Foner Online.

• Focus the essay around these questions:

o In what ways did the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution initiate a "more perfect union"?
o How is the nation more united in 2016 than it was in 1865?
o How is the nation more divided today than at the end of the Civil War?

• Please end with a reflection on what you think could be done to realize the vision that Obama evokes in his inaugural address.

When completing this writing assignment be sure to address the roles that different societal institutions such as governmental bodies, military forces, businesses, and churches played in America during this time period and how the dynamics of race, gender, class, and religion informed the development of American institutions.

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History: In what ways did the 13th 14th and 15th amendments to the
Reference No:- TGS01623928

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