
In what way is per capita gdp a better measure of economic

Before beginning this assignment, I want to remind you that the Online course evaluations are now open to students until the last day of class.

I encourage you to please complete the evaluations. Feedback regarding courses and instruction is very important to Webster University. Students' comments make a difference in curriculum planning and presentation. The composite results are reviewed by the Dean, Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, and instructors after the course closes and grades have been submitted to the registrar's office.

The feedback you provide will help plan for continuous improvement in teaching.
Students' evaluations of the course are confidential and anonymous. You can access the evaluation by:

  Selecting the course evaluation link embedded in the last 2 weeks of the course.
 Or going to www.webster.edu/eval and selecting the "Faculty/Student Login" link in the upper, right-hand side of the page.

Thanks very much in advance for completing the evaluation. I will look forward to reviewing your feedback, which I will receive approximately three weeks after the course ends.

Problem 1

In what specific ways (if any) does a college education increase a worker's productivity? Take some special care with this problem.

Problem 2

In what way is Per Capita GDP a better measure of economic well being than GDP? How does this relate to economic problems in the undeveloped world?

Problem 3

Is limitless growth possible? Justify your answer thoroughly.

Problem 4
If GDP is increasing by 3% per year how long will it take GDP to double?

Problem 5
Given the same conditions in Problem 4, how long will it take Per Capita GDP to double if the population grows at 2%?

Internet Questions

Question 1
Visit: https://www.heritage.org/index/Default.aspx

Visit the Heritage Foundation website page for the Index of Economic Freedom. How does economic freedom in the U.S. compare to countries in South America and in Europe? How would you expect future economic growth in the U.S. to compare to those nations? Explain.

Question 2

Visit: https://www.bea.gov/national/xls/gdpchg.xls

This site is part of the Bureau of Economic Analysis website. Look at the inflation adjusted data and identify the periods of negative real economic growth. What might have caused each of these periods of economic decline? You may have to do a little history study. Be sure to relate your response to the economic theory offered in class.

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Microeconomics: In what way is per capita gdp a better measure of economic
Reference No:- TGS01134585

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