"Finding the Law"
A. Give the name of the case located at 474 U.S. 254 (1986).
B. Review the quotation on page 265 of the case relating to stare decisis. In what way does stare decisis help the court ensure that the law develops properly?
C. Give the name of the case located at 569 U.S. 184 (2013).
D. Who delivered the opinion of the court?
E. Who dissented?
F. Give the name of the case at 567 U.S. 50 (2012).
G. Give the date the case was argued and the date the case was decided.
H. Give the name of the case at 555 U.S. 223 (2009).
I. Briefly describe the general topic of this case.
J. What was the holding in this case?
K. What was the "vote" in this case?
L. Locate a case in this volume in which the defendant's name is Sarausad. Give its citation.
M. What part did Justice Ginsburg play in this Sarausad case?