
In what specific ways did the hundred years war and the

In what specific ways did the Hundred Years' War and the Wars of the Roses influence the development of the English Constitution?

In other words, what changes occurred that are closely linked to events of those wars, changes that probably would not have happened in the absence of those wars?

If you want, you can also look toward the conclusion of the Wars of the Roses - the establishment of the Tudor Dynasty - and use the early events of the Tudor period as they specifically relate back to the Wars of the Roses, all with an eye to how these affected the course of constitutional development. You would probably want to focus on issues of succession, legitimacy, deposition of monarchs, and the relative rights and powers of monarchs and nobles, although that list is not exhaustive.

In helping with these questions, you may want to bring in the assigned primary sources, and/or the textbook to support the conclusions. Need help with a thesis statement as well and a concluding paragraph as well. Need help for it to be around one thousand and three hundred words.

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Business Economics: In what specific ways did the hundred years war and the
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