
In what situations will human manipulation of dna acceptable


1) Will the genetic basis for the position of humans in their social hierarchy (whether enhanced or NOT enhanced) benefit society in a good way or will it degrade the rest of humanity and promote social prejudice? (in other words, is it a good thing to alter the human genome at the embryonic stage?)

2) Cite examples and include the opinions of at least two of the researchers and writers you have been exposed to including: Jennifer Doudna (the co-inventor of CRISPR technology), George Church (Harvard geneticist and supporter of De-extinction), Paul Knoepfler (Epigeneticist, U.C. Davis School of Medicine), Paul Wolpe (chief bioethicist at NASA) and Andrew Niccol (Author and Director of the movie "Gattaca")

3) In what situations will the human (and non-human) manipulation of DNA be acceptable? In what situations is it NOT acceptable?

4) Utilize the framework for ethical decision making (posted within this module) to come to your decision and underline the approach you use in coming to your decision (Utilitarian, Rights, Fairness and Justice etc.)

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Biology: In what situations will human manipulation of dna acceptable
Reference No:- TGS03296886

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