
In what areas could your diet be improved - how would you

Collect Data:

For this assignment, you will need to analyze your diet. In order to do this analysis, you will need to keep track of everything you eat and drink for 1 day, and look up the nutrition information (carbs, fat, etc) for each item. There is a file on Titanium (nutrition log) to help you do this. You will need to include this log with the written assignment when you submit.

Please note: if you have an eating disorder, or have had one in the past, you should not complete this assignment. Please email your instructor for an alternate written assignment for this module.


Most people should aim to get a variety of high quality nutrients in their diet - this includes macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and also micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) such as vitamin C and calcium. Analyze your diet, including the following information:

- Overall, how would you rate your diet?

- What are you doing well?

- In what area(s) could your diet be improved? How could you improve (what could be added, subtracted, or changed to make it better)?
Please support your paper with specific examples from your nutrition log. Submit this assignment with the written analysis on the first page, references (if used) on the second, and the nutrition log at the end.

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Dissertation: In what areas could your diet be improved - how would you
Reference No:- TGS02370639

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