
In tomatoes dwarf d is recessive to tall d and opaque light

In tomatoes, dwarf (d) is recessive to tall (D) and opaque (light green) leaves (op) is recessive to green leaves (Op). The loci that determine the height and leaf color are linked and separated by a distance of 7 m.u. For each of the following crosses, determine the phenotypes and proportions of progeny produced.

c. D Op      D Op
d op      d op

This is not a testcross, so we have to account for recombination in both parents. The most straightforward way is to do a Punnett square, including the types and proportions of gametes produced by meiosis in each parent.  In summary, we get:

Tall, green 3(.216) + 4(.016) + 2(.001) = .714
Dwarf, opaque .216

Tall, opaque 2(.016) + .001 = .033
Dwarf, green 2(.016) + .001 = .033

I Don't know where these numbers come from?!?

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Biology: In tomatoes dwarf d is recessive to tall d and opaque light
Reference No:- TGS0798079

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