
In this submission you should take the design given and

Assignment: Network Implementation


Widgets and Gadgets (WaG) have recently acquired a business, We Make Stuff (WMS), in another city. Before work can commence on integrating WMS's network into WaG's, WMS actually need to have a network. WMS consists of three close buildings, each with multiple floors. Each floor is dedicated to a business function as defined in this network design topology.

Task Details

You have been given the final design approved by the tender process and hired to implement that design. In this submission you should take the design given and implement it in Packet Tracer. Where there is ambiguity, you are encouraged to use your best judgement. The design includes several VLANs, a Routing Layer 3 switch and 2 routers to external networks. There is a Wireless VLAN that all wireless access points and the VPN server connect to.

NOTE on using your best judgement:

There ARE ERRORS in this physical topology! Correcting these errors in some fashion demonstrates that you

• understand the concepts in enough detail to see the error and

• know what options exist in correcting these errors.

NOTE on needing to do research:

You WILL need to do some additional research to complete this assignment. In this unit you are required to do some research (into Layer 3 switches) and you will be required to APPLY the result of that research directly.

Remember, this is an implementation. Transferring logical concepts into practical application needs to be displayed, physical implementation of logical processes such as subnetting are important. You have been given the Network range of to work with.

Submission Instructions

All submissions must be viewable in Packet Tracer 7. If you need to test this, you can get a copy of Packet Tracer 6.2.

Marks Allocation

Topology Implemented Correctly


VLANs / VSIs / VTP correctly implemented


Subnetting done appropriately


Routing works correctly / DHCP Configured


Secret Department handled appropriately


Here a few things you can try (and that will be done when marking) and what they signify, show vtp status

• Do this on your core switch and several edge switches

• Demonstrates:

• If VTP is configures and functioning show vlan brief

• Demonstrates:

• Shows that VLANs have been created, what IDs they have been assigned and what ports they are on.

• Done on several edge switches, demonstrates if VTP is properly populating VLAN Databases show run

• On your core switch this demonstrates:

• your complete configuration

• DHCP pools

o your IP Subnetting, ranges and subnet masks.

♣ Is it done? Are all the subnets the same size? Or is there a more detailed approach?

• VSI's and their associations

• If routing is enabled

Picking a random workstation:

• Is DHCP enabled?

o Demonstrates:

o You haven't used statically assigned IP Addresses

• Does it have an IP?

o Demonstrates:

o DHCP is enabled and running (If DHCP is enabled)

o VLANS (if used) are configured and the VSI has associated the VLAN with an IP range

• Pick another workstation in another department and ping the first workstation.

o Demonstrates:

o Routing is enabled and default gateways (should be in DHCP) are configured correctly.

• Ping the far interface (the one that has an IP NOT in the range given to you to use) of the Secret Labs router.

o Demonstrates:

o Routing tables on the Secret Labs router is configured properly

• Ping the far interface (the one that has an IP NOT in the range given to you to use) of the Internet router.

o Demonstrates:

o Routing tables on the Internet router is configured properly.

Attachment:- Network_Design.rar

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Computer Networking: In this submission you should take the design given and
Reference No:- TGS02260708

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