
in this stage of the project you are required to

In this stage of the project you are required to create a Design document, the Design document must contain the following:  Structure chart

  • Pseudo-code
  • Data Dictionary

Stage Implementation and Testing

a) Implement a prototype based on the Analysis and Design you have carried out, your implementation must make use of the following programming requirements:

  • Sequence
  • Selection
  • Iteration
  • At least two different data structures (arrays and structure)
  • Functions / procedures

b) You are required to systematically test the completed prototype by a test plan(s), during the testing you need to complete a Test Log.  The Test Log will be submitted as part of the Technical Documentation.

Stage Technical Documentation

You are required to produce a formal technical document.  This document will collate a number of areas that relate to a number of previous sections of this assignment.  In some cases you would be able to borrow sections of your previous submitted work and copy and paste the information to produce a Technical Document.

The document should be presented in a professional manner, and must contain the following information:

  • Project outline - Specify what your program is expected to do
  • Problem identification - the Problem Statement that was submitted for Stage 1 (Planning and Analysis)
  • Problem solution
  • Program design - this is the design documents you create in Stage 2 (Design)
  • Source code - printout of the code you have written, making sure that the all the requirements for Stage 3 (Implementation) have been met as well as the code containing detailed comments
  • Testing
  • Test Plan(s)
  • Completed Test Log(s) [2.4] - was not part of the technical document marking criteria, but a suitable place to have this submitted

Stage 5 Other Documentation
Stage 5 a User guide
Create a professional looking User Guide to assist a novice in the use of your prototype that has been created

Stage 5 b Critical evaluation 

Produce a detailed critical evaluation of your completed project, the evaluation must reflect on the information you provided in the Analysis stage, discussing what you originally set out to achieve, what you managed to achieve, what you did not manage to achieve, and include recommendations of further improvements that could be made to your prototype to turn it into a complete application.

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Computer Engineering: in this stage of the project you are required to
Reference No:- TGS0209236

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