
in this section you will initiate the issue or

In this section you will initiate the issue or problem to be studied. And summarizes and organizes the literature related to the chosen issue or problem. In this section, the student should both synthesize and summarize the relevant literature related to the issue or problem

Since Project ALERT focus on school-aged youth and how to avoid them from using tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use, the negative effect of alcoholism, tobacco, drug, smoking and other illicit drug on the students health including mental, emotional and physical and how these drugs affect the students socially as welland finallyconclude this part by satainghow all that social and health problems lead to affect the students learning process in the education field.

You will write about how project alert was supported and suggested from many other projects by the government as a solution to the above issue. After that you describe first what is project alert and since when it was existed andwhy it was existed and for whome it was existed and what does it do.

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Dissertation: in this section you will initiate the issue or
Reference No:- TGS0445860

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