
In this report topics regarding the personnel selection

In this report; topics regarding the personnel selection process for managements positions will be discussed along with the specific methods that will be used by which job analysis, job design, position description, and specification for management positions are prepared for. A compensation structure will be determined along with the relative worth of managements jobs at Acme Manufacturing. 

Personnel selection is a process used for hiring and promoting individuals interested in a specific job description by separating selected prospects from those that do not meet expectations. Characteristics for the selection process are known knowledge, skills, ability, and other characteristics also known as KSAOs. The personnel selection uses evidence based practices that predict the most qualified individuals that either are a current employee or a possible new hire. Personnel selection is a procedure that gathers important information about potential individuals to determine suitability and sustainability in an particular job. The information that Acme Manufacturing is looking for will be determined using a variety of measures to select the most qualified applicant by; interviews, cognitive ability tests, physical ability test, and assessment centers. These screening methods will be implemented by the human resources department and the final decision will include human resources and required upper management level employee in the department at hand. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 has an impact on the selection process and "prohibits employment selection procedures to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge and individual, or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to him/her compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual's race, religion, sex or national origin."

Interviews are one of the most common practices to select qualified applicants. Interviews with a structured framework where each and all applicants are asked the same set of questions about how the applicant has handled previous situations and then are scored against a standardized behaviorally anchored rating scale. Situational and behavior description interviews are interviews where the applicants are to explain what their actions would be in various job related situations. Oral interview boards are interviews that would require the applicant to give only oral responses to job related questions asked by a panel of interviewers. Psychomotor ability tests are used to use to measure fine motor skill and hand eye coordination. Physical ability test measures gross motor skills such as, lifting where strength is needed. These tests are designed to test for fitness for the job and may be conducted by a physician to determine. Ability and physical ability test are very important to Acme Manufacturing and management positions. Cognitive ability test are employment tests to meet the requirements in a personnel office such as a management position. These tests consists of 10 cognitive, perceptual, and psychomotor ability tests to include verbal comprehension, numerical ability, visual pursuit, visual speed and accuracy, space visualization, numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, word fluency, manual speed, and symbolic reasoning.

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Business Management: In this report topics regarding the personnel selection
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