Virtual Network Design:
In this question, you will generate a simulated physical network (underlay), and then design a greedy heuristic to design a virtual network (overlay) that is overlaid on top of the physical resources.
(a) Read the following input parameters:
- Number of nodes (N).
- Number of links (L).
- Maximum node demand (Dmax).
- Maximum link capacity (Cmax).
- Cost of opening a new facility (Fcost).
- Cost of introducing a virtual machine (Vcost, Vcost < Fcost).
- Maximum load that can be handled by a virtual machine (Vmax).
(b) Generate a random physical network (Green topology) as follows:
- Generate the specified number of nodes and assign each node a load that is uniformly distributed between 0 and Dmax.
- Generate the specified number of links randomly and assign each link a capacity that is uniformly distributed between 0 and the Cmax.
- Visualize the generated physical network (Green topology).
(c) Propose a greedy heuristic that strives to minimize the total cost of the virtual network needed to satisfy the demand requirements and the physical link capacities. You must provide pseudocode that fully describes how your heuristic determines the location and number of the Virtual Machines (VMs) and the virtual links that lead to the VMs to fulfill the demand given the physical resources.
(d) Generate a virtual network (Red topology) using your proposed greedy heuristic and visualize the generated virtual network (VMs and virtual links) and its total costs (i.e., cost of facilities and virtual machines).