CAD Lab Assignment: House Plan Design Center Project
In this project you will use the AutoCAD Design Center to draw the house plan given to you, or pick one of your own from various internet sources, but it must be at least as complex.
Setup Information (Use MVSETUP):
Plot Scale: 1/4"= 1', 1:48, set LTS to 48
Plot Area: "C" Size 21.0 x 16
Plotted text size: 1/8" (X48 so 6" tall)
Dimension Settings:
-Overall Scale: 48
-Vertical Text Placement: Above
-Align Text with Dimension Line
Color at will
-Always keep Text between ext. lines
-Draw dim line between ext. lines
-Architectural Units, 0'0"
-Arrow heads (1st & 2nd) Oblique
-Do not suppress inches or feet
Draw walls 4" thick using a polyline drawn to each objects location's center point, offset it 4", explode it, draw short lines at the line endpoints, offset to create the wall opening and then trim the lines as needed. Next, draw interior walls similar until you have all the walls and gaps done for inserting windows & doors.
Now, use the Design Center to drag and drop all the following blocks in your drawing as shown in the lesson before you insert them. Use I to Insert individual blocks on your walls and use middle snap or grips or corners of the block to move them as needed. In Design Center the house designer file. Be sure you have all the blocks needed.
You'll also need to use the kitchens.dwg file blocks located below the house designer folder.
Windows are made for 6" walls, so you need to Insert with a Y Scale Factor of 4/6. Windows are 36" wide, so if, for example, you need a 34" window set the X Scale factors to 34/36 or .9444. Place on a corner or endpoint and move from center half the width as needed. Some items you must draw.
Doors are 36" wide, so if you need a 30" door set X & Y Scale factors to 30/36 or .8333.
If a window is labeled 2/6 on your drawing it is 2'6" in width. The label is done with single line text (dt). Justify text to BC (bottom center).
Attachment:- Lab-Data.rar