PROJECT: Personal Fitness Program
In this project you will use already completed Personal Assessment labs and feedback (given by your instructor and fellow students) and adjust those personal assessment labs to adhere to your current goals for a fit and well life.
Use the following Personal Assessment labs
Week 2: Fahey, Insel, & Roth: Chapter 2 Lab 2.1 - ParQ
Week 3: Fahey, Insel, & Roth: Chapter 3 Lab 3.2 - Cardiorespiratory
Week 4: Fahey, Insel, & Roth: Chapter 4 Lab 4.3 - Resistance Training (Muscular Strength & Muscular Endurance)
Week 5: Fahey, Insel, & Roth: Chapter 5 Lab 5.2 - Flexibility
Final Project Submission Outline
I. Title Page
II. Labs
Can be submitted as a photo using PDF files (using the same format option for Personal Assessment weekly submissions - printing out all pages of the lab, filling in the lab with blue or red ink, taking a new photo or scanning the document, and saving the photos of the lab in PDF format) or in a student created table.
III. Essay summary of lab completion process and each individual lab completed for the final project.
A. 3-5 sentences on specific result or program design
B. How did you change/adjust your program design from the initial submission until the final project submission?
C. Why is this adjustment or lack of adjustment beneficial to your personal fitness goals?
IV. Conclusion