In this project you will create a simple personal website

In this project, you will create a simple personal website. First, create a machine at ICSFlexcloud. Setup the whole RoR environment. Following chapter 1-5 of the Rails tutorial, create your own styling using CSS for your website. Your website should be realistic with appropriate content. Use your creativity here. You should at least have a home page (with a picture and "about me"), oresume page with content in html and links to open your resume in pdf and plain text format, a projects page describing all your technical projects and a for or miscellaneous page that describes your extra-curricular activities. Use test driven development as you build your website.

Consider this to be your real website that you will be comfortable with exposing to the whole world. From your machine at ICSFlexcloud, push to github and heroku.


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Computer Engineering: In this project you will create a simple personal website
Reference No:- TGS0650098

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