
In this project you will create a company report for the

Project Assignment: Office 2016 Integrated Applications

Creating a Company Report

In this project, you will create a company report for the Top't Corn popcorn company using resources an Access database and two Excel files. First, you will format the Word document, applying a theme, applying styles and text formatting, formatting a table, and applying list formats. You will enter document information and add a cover page. Next, you will add a header and add page numbers to the report using Word's built-in building blocks. Next, you will import data from Excel into an Access database and then create two queries based on that imported data. You will export the query results to a new Excel workbook where you will add formulas and create a table and a chart. Finally, you will copy and paste the chart and table data from Excel into your Word document.

Skills needed to complete this project:

Word Skills

• Change the theme and color theme
• Apply heading styles
• Apply character formatting
• Create numbered and bulleted lists
• Display text in columns
• Add a row to a table
• Enter data in a table
• Apply a table Quick style
• Change document information
• Insert a cover page
• Add a header
• Add page numbers
• Paste data from Excel
• Change font color
• Paste a chart from Excel

Access Skills

• Add records to a table by importing from Excel
• Rename a field
• Create a simple select query to combine fields from multiple tables
• Add text criteria to a query
• Add date criteria to a query
• Apply multiple criteria to a query
• Add numeric criteria to a query
• Specify a sort order in a query
• Export data from a query to Excel

Excel Skills

• Enter text and numbers in cells
• Create a formula using multiplication
• Use an absolute reference in a formula
• Copy a formula
• Format data as a table
• Sort data in a table
• Use the AVERAGE function in a formula
• Use the SUM function in a formula
• Apply a number format
• Modify the font size
• AutoFit columns
• Create a PivotTable using a Recommended


• Create a pie chart
• Hide the chart title
• Apply a chart style
• Display chart data labels

IMPORTANT: Download the resource file needed for this project from the Resources link. Be sure to extract the file after downloading the resources zipped folder. Please visit SIMnet Instant Help for step-by-step instructions.

1. Open the start file OF2016-Integrated-Project2. If the document opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the document so you can modify it.

2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.

3. Apply and theme and change theme colors.

a. Apply the Slice theme to the document.
b. Change the color theme to the Orange Red theme.
c. Change the font theme to the Calibri theme.

4. Format text in the document.

a. Apply the Heading 1 style to the Overview and Goals headings on the first page of the document.

b. Apply the Heading 2 style to the Brick and Mortar Stores and the Food Truck Locations headings on page 2 of the document.

c. Scroll to the Our Top't 4 Sellers section and bold the following words at the beginning of each line: Original Blend, Old Bay, Sea Salt and Caramel, and Truffle.

d. Convert the four items in the Our Top't 4 Sellers section into a numbered list using the 1), 2), 3) format.

e. Scroll to the Future Flavors section and bold the following words at the beginning of each line: Choco Mocha, Raspberry Delight, Key Lime, and Spicy Buffalo.

f. Convert the four items in the Future Flavors section into a bulleted list using the four diamond format.

g. Select the text below the Brick and Mortar Stores heading (from Montgomery Mall to M&T Bank Stadium) and change the text so it appears in two columns.

h. Select the text below the Food Truck Locations heading (from Farragut Square to National Mall West) and change the text so it appears in two columns.

5. Work with a table in the document.

a. Navigate to the table in the Pricing section.
b. Add a row to the end of the table.
c. Type Gift Packaging in the first cell of the new row.
d. Type $2 in the second cell of the new row.
e. Change the Table Quick Style options to only show Quick Styles with a header row. Apply a Grid Table 4 - Accent 1 Quick Style to the table. It is in the Grid Styles section of the gallery.

6. Add document information and insert a cover page.

a. Display the Info page in Backstage view and add The Top't Corn Report as the title of the document.
b. Add Top't Corn Company as the company.
c. Add Poppy Cunningham as the author.
d. Return to the document and place the cursor at the beginning of the Overview heading.
e. Insert a cover page using the Austin option.
f. Delete the abstract control at the top of the page (the text control beginning with Draw you reader in...).
g. Click the Document Subtitle control and type Gourmet Popcorn with Capitol


7. Add a header and page numbers to the document.

a. Place the cursor at the beginning of the Overview heading.
b. Add a header using the Sideline option.
c. Add page numbers to the bottom of the document using the Accent Bar 3 option.
d. Verify that the header and footer text does not appear on the cover page.
e. Close the Header and Footer view when you are done.

8. Open the Top't Corn Sales Database Access file from the location where you saved the data files for this project.

a. Import records from the Excel file Nov4Sales (located with the data files for this project) and append a copy of the records to the OnlineSales table. (Hint: After the import, there should be 133 records in the OnlineSales table.)

b. In the OnlineSales table, rename the ID field: OnlineSaleID

9. Create a query to display sales of Old Bay flavored popcorn from buyers in Maryland and then export the query results to an Excel file.

a. Include the following fields in this order: OnlineSaleID, Date, Quantity, and State fields from the OnlineSales table and the ItemName field from the Items table.

b. Add criteria to the query to limit the results to records where the Item Name is Old Bay, the State is MD, and the Date is greater than or equal to November 1, 2016. Run the query to check your work. (Hint: There should be 8 records in the query results.)

c. Return to Query Design view and hide the ItemName and State fields in the query results.

d. Run the query again to check your work.

e. Save the query as OldBayMDQry and then close the query.

f. Export the results of the OldBayMDQry to a new Excel file named: OldBayMDSales Do not export the data with formatting and layout. Save the file with the other resources for this project.

10. Create a query to display sales of truffle flavored popcorn with a quantity greater than six from the OnlineSales table.

a. Include the following fields in this order: State and Quantity from the OnlineSales table and ItemName field from the Items table.

b. Add criteria to the query to limit the results to records where the Item Name is Truffle and the Quantity is greater than 4.

c. Specify the sort order in the query, so the results are sorted alphabetically by state. Run the query to check your work. (Hint: There should be 17 records in the query results.)

d. Save the query as HighQuantityTruffleQry and close it.

e. Export the results of the HighQuantityTruffleQry to a new Excel file named: HighQuantityTruffleSales. Do not export the data with formatting and layout. Save the file with the other resources for this project.

f. Close any open database objects and then close the database and exit Access.

11. Open the OldBayMdSales Excel file you just created and create a table to copy into Word.

a. In cell D1, type: Total Sale

b. In cell A11, type: Price per Box

c. In cell B11, type: $9.00

d. In cell D2, enter a formula to calculate the total sale. Multiple the quantity sold (cell C2) by the price per box (cell B11). You are going to copy this formula to cells D3:D9, so use relative and absolute references as appropriate.

e. Copy the formula in cell D2 to cells D3:D9.

f. Format the data in cells A1:D9 as a table using any style.

g. Sort the table data by quantity so the largest value is at the top.

h. In cell A12, type: Average Quantity

i. Enter a formula in cell B12 to calculate the average of cells C2:C9.

j. In cell A13, type: Total Sales

k. Enter a formula in cell B13 to calculate the sum of cells D2:D9.

l. Apply the Currency number format to cell B13.

m. Select cells A1:D9 and change the font size to 14.

n. Autofit all columns so the data are completely visible.

o. Save Excel file.

p. Copy cells A1:D13. Do not close the Excel file.

12. Return to the Word document and use the Paste Special command to paste data.

a. Place the cursor in the blank line under the first paragraph in the Maryland Sales of Old Bay Flavor section.
b. Paste the copied Excel data using Keep Source Formatting option into the document.
c. Return to Excel and close the OldBayMdSales file.

13. Open the HighQuantityTruffleSales Excel file you created in step 10. e. and create a chart from the data.

a. Create a PivotTable from the data. Use the first (only) recommended PivotTable - Sum of Quantity by State.
b. Create a 2-D pie chart from the PivotTable data.
c. Hide the chart title.
d. Apply the chart Quick Style Style 4.
e. Display chart data labels using the inside end option.
f. Save the file.
g. Copy the chart. Do not close the Excel file.

14. Return to the Word document and paste the chart.

a. Place the cursor in the blank line under the first paragraph in the Sales by State for Truffle section.

b. Paste the chart you copied from Excel into the document. Use the Keep Source Formatting & Embed Workbook paste option.

IMPORTANT: If you receive an error message similar to "Word cannot obtain the data for the {00020830- 0000-C000-000000000046} link.", make sure that you have extracted the HighQuantityTruffleSales Excel workbook from the resources zip folder and open the workbook from the extracted folder, save your Word file, and then try again.

c. Save and close the document.

d. Return to Excel and close the HighQuantityTruffleSales file.

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Computer Engineering: In this project you will create a company report for the
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