
In this project you are asked to choose a business domain

Question: Term Project: In this project, you are asked to choose a business domain with moderate complexity (i.e. at least 20 tables and at least 5 forms) and develop a database system for the chosen domain. You are encouraged to talk with people in the industry about their business problems related to database, and to come up with solutions to their problems. Some sample options are:

• Medical record-keeping for an outpatient clinic

• Video-store member and inventory database

• Department store employee and inventory database

• Real estate management

• Or any your own ideas

The term project is the "cap-stone" for the course. The database you will design should be viewed as a prototype database application. As such you are not expected to develop a fully functional system that can be installed 'as is' at some business, company or organization. However, it is intended to provide you with valuable hands on experience in designing and implementing a real world DBMS application, and as such, your project should apply most of the issues and concepts covered during the quarter. The projects can be done in groups of 5 students. Your database must have at least 20 tables, and at least 5 forms. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that this is a unique opportunity for you to demonstrate and explain concepts you learn (or at least were exposed to) in this class.

Incremental Deliveries: There will be 2 phases to the project. Groups must submit their work as a package (I don't want separate submissions from each group member). You should hand in the database with your write-ups for each phase. Remember you must zip the file if your file is bigger than 1MB. KEEP acopy for your own records. Most if not all things can be handed in to the Canvas. I will accept a physical disk and paper if you want to at class on the last day of classes.

TP1: Database Design (Deadline March 15th)

TP1 Report Write-up Guidelines

The TP1 report should include the following components:

TP1 report

1. Who is in your group?

2. Which project do you plan to do? Describe your project.

3. Describe the information collected in your forms and the corresponding business rules.

4. Create a feasibility study (initial proposal). You need to:

• Justify why a database is needed for this application

• Benefits / drawbacks of having the database system

Appendices: Appendix A: Display5 forms/reports the company might use with this BDMS. Display both the original forms you collected from the users, and modified ones (if you had to do any modifications).

Appendix B:Create a preliminary list of Normalized tables (at least 3rdnormal form) you think you will need for the project. Explain why you need to normalize the tables for each normalization. Show all the steps you followed as shown in class. List the structure of each table.

Appendix C:Apply the conceptual modeling principles you learned in the class and draw the class diagram. Hand-draw is not acceptable; it must be done with a computer. I suggest using PowerPoint to do the diagram, unless you are familiar with a package designed to draw Class Diagrams such as MS Visio for UML.

Do not forget that at the END (For TP2) you will have to create at least 20 tables.

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Marketing Management: In this project you are asked to choose a business domain
Reference No:- TGS02693377

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