In this problem, we evaluate the bit error rate (BER) performance of the CDMA communications system introduced in Problem 8.3.9. In our experiments, we will make the following additional assumptions.
- In practical systems, code vectors are generated pseudorandomly. We will assume the code vectors are random. For each transmitted data vector X, the code vector of user i will be
Where the components Sij are iid random variables such that PSij (1) = PSij (-1) = 1/2. Note that the factor 1/ √n is used so that each code vector Si has length 1: ||Si||2 = S'iSi
= 1.
- Each user transmits at 6dB SNR. For convenience, assume Pi= p = 4 and σ2= 1.
(a) Use Matlab to simulate a CDMA system with processing gain n = 16. For each experimental trial, generate a random set of code vectors {Si}, data vector X, and noise vector N. Find the ML estimate x∗ and count the number of bit errors; i.e., the number of positions in which x∗ i ≠ Xi. Use the relative frequency of bit errors as an estimate of the probability of bit error. Consider k = 2, 4, 8, 16 users. For each value of k, perform enough trials so that bit errors are generated on 100 independent trials. Explain why your simulations take so long.
(b) For a simpler detector known as the matched filter, when Y = y, the detector decision for user i is
Where sgn (x) = 1 if x > 0, sgn (x) = -1 if x
Problem 8.3.9
In a code division multiple access (CDMA) communications system, k users share a radio channel using a set of n-dimensional code vectors {S1,..., Sk} to distinguish their signals. The dimensionality factor n is known as the processing gain. Each user i transmits independent data bits Xi such that the vector X = [X1 ··· Xn] has iid components with PXi(1) = PXi(-1) = 1/2. The received signal is
Where N is a Gaussian (0, σ2I) noise vector From the observation Y, the receiver performs a multiple hypothesis test to decode the data bit vector X.
(a) Show that in terms of vectors,
(b) Given Y = y, show that the MAP and ML detectors for X are the same and are given by
Where Bn is the set of all n dimensional vectors with ±1 elements
(c) How many hypotheses does the ML detector need to evaluate?