
In this paper you will describe a person object or event

In this paper, you will describe a person, object, or event using only verifiable facts, making sure to eliminate ALL words that are subjective. Subjective words are words that derive their (different) meanings, based on the experience of the perceiver. In other words, these have different definitions depending on each person you ask; e.g., honor, big, skinny, lots, delicious, bright, challenging, etc., are all subjective words. In contrast to saying, "My mother is short," (which is subjective), you could say, "My mother is five feet tall." As you can imagine then, you paper will make extensive use of citations, since you'll need to cite every fact in your paper that is not "common knowledge."

The objective of the paper is to convince your reader to see the person, object, or event in either a positive or negative light while ensuring that your paper remains completely free of any subjective language. You paper should be at least 4 buzzwords in length.
Choose a person, object, or event that you find interesting and that you can readily research. It is better if you choose a topic about which many people already have a strong opinion (that differs from your own). For instance, many people like chocolate ice cream, but perhaps you hate chocolate ice cream. If so, chocolate ice cream would make a good topic for this paper.

After you choose a topic, begin to compile facts about your topic that will help you to show your topic in either a negative or positive light. To show chocolate ice cream in a negative light, for instance, you might look for a medical study that links chocolate ice cream to mad cow disease, or find evidence that an unpopular person such as Richard Nixon ate chocolate ice cream every day. Likewise, if you find a report concluding that chocolate ice cream cures pancreatic cancer, it may be wise to omit those findings from your paper. Either way, you want to provide only verifiable (factual) information about chocolate ice cream. At no point should you disclose to your reader your own opinion of chocolate ice cream, as this would constitute OPINION (subjectivity), and NOT FACT. In other words, persuade us to dislike chocolate ice cream merely by providing negative information about it that you have strategically organized (remember arrangement) to maximize persuasive effect.
** Remember, in addition to the instructions stated supra, you may not include VALUE language of any kind; e.g., language that suggests your opinion, or is defined in relative (subjective) terms.

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Other Subject: In this paper you will describe a person object or event
Reference No:- TGS01158495

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Anonymous user

5/5/2016 3:47:30 AM

For this task, you have to consider a person, object or event which you discover interesting and which you can willingly research. For example: most of the people like chocolate ice-cream, however possibly you hate chocolate ice-cream. If so, chocolate ice-cream would make an excellent topic. After you select a topic, start to compile facts regarding your topic which will assist you to show your topic in either a positive or negative light. To explain chocolate ice-cream in a negative light, for example, you may look for a medical study. Similarly, if you find out a report concluding that chocolate ice-cream treats pancreatic cancer; it might be wise to omit such findings from your paper. Either means, you wish for to give only factual information regarding chocolate ice-cream. At no point must you disclose your own view of chocolate ice-cream.