In this module, you will examine the financial, ethical, and legal implications of a health care management problem. Examples of problem areas are: budget shortfalls, staffing shortages, the conduct of staff members, honoroing patient wishes, and following the myriad of rules and reguations, etc.. These areas can have a great impact on any organization and the administrator must have an understanding of what these problems look like and potential solutions.
Module - Background
Harold G. Koenig. (2000). Editorial: Exploring Psychobiological, Psychosocial, and Cultural Aspects of Patient Care: The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine in the 21st Century. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 30(3), 195-202.
MOONEY, G.. (2009). Is it not time for health economists to rethink equity and access? Health Economics, Policy and Law, 4(2), 209-221.
Katharine V Smith. (2005). Ethical Issues RELATED TO HEALTH CARE: The Older Adult's Perspective. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 31(2), 32-9.
Norma Stephens Hannigan (2006). Blowing the whistle on healthcare fraud: Should I? Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 18(11), 512-7.
Brad Beauvais, Rebecca Wells, Joseph Vasey, Jami L Dellifraine. (2007). Does Money Really Matter? The Effects of Fiscal Margin on Quality of Care in Military Treatment Facilities. Hospital Topics, 85(3), 2-15.