
In this memo you propose to write your final report and

Your task:

Write a technical report using secondary research sources for information:

Ensure that you document your sources in APA Documentation Style; Give conclusions and offer recommendations where appropriate.


Options in Environmental or Natural Disaster-Proof Structures (floods, fires, earthquakes, etc.)

Landscape Designs for Different Environments (drought, boggy, etc.)

Solar Heating or Cooling Designs

Lighting Systems for Large Structures

Restoration Methods for Old and/or Historic Buildings


Wind Shear Problems and Solutions
Training and Safety Procedures
Global Positioning Systems
Runway Incursion Solutions
Aircraft Fatigue
Competing Materials for Aircraft Structures
Screening/Security Issues


Whole-genome Sequencing
Evolution of Complex Cells
Quantum Biology

Biomedical Engineering

Options in Treatment/Rehabilitation
Artificial Joints or Prosthetics (foot joints, etc.)
Competing Tests (pap, prostate, etc.) or Treatment Options
Materials Options
Synthetic Polymers for Artificial Hearts
Competing Equipment (MRI's, CTs, etc.)



In this assignment you are asked to submit a two-page single-spaced proposal in the form of a memo. In this memo, you propose to write your final report and list three up-to-date, relevant sources of information-a book, a periodical, and an online source-- that would help you to complete it.

You must personally check the sources that you list and give specific reasons why you think they will be useful. Consult Diana Hacker (Section APA-4, pp. 489-520) to document your sources in correct APA Style. You are allowed to use a maximum of one (1) electronic source.

Formatting and submission requirements:

- Submit your assignment to your workshop instructor at the beginning of the workshop period;
- Computer-type your memo proposal in 12-point black Times New Roman font and use single space;
- Provide 1-inch margins on the top, bottom, and sides of your documents;
- Include second-level headings and vertical lists in your assignment.

Note: Your Assignment 2 serves several purposes: (1) to give you some experience in writing a proposal; (2) to get you to start planning your Final Report; (3) to teach you how to use APA documentation style; (4) to develop your skills in using hierarchical headings and vertical lists; and (5) to give your workshop leader a chance to work with you on your final report to make sure you are on the right track.

The evaluation criteria for Assignment 2 are as follows:


- Your content is relevant, accurate, and complete for the circumstances;
- You have followed the instructions;
- You have written your text in a professional style, keeping the intended readers in mind;
- You have briefly summarized the content of three information sources, explaining convincingly why they will be relevant for your final report.


- You have used a conventional memo format;
- You have followed conventions for writing proposals and included all relevant sections in the required order;
- You have used second-level headings and vertical lists in your proposal;
- Good sequencing and layout make your text easy to read.

Language and Style:

- You have used your own wording;
- Sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and vocabulary are correct;
- The level of language is appropriate.


- You have included three sources that will be relevant for your final report-one (1) book, one (1) periodical, and one (1) online source.
- Your sources are documented in correct APA style;
- Borrowed information is correctly documented in APA style.

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Other Subject: In this memo you propose to write your final report and
Reference No:- TGS01667534

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