In this lab, you will explore the best and worst use of a popular message digest algorithm. For this one, we shall focus on MD5, but all of this can be applied to the other ones, such as SHA-1.
In the best use portion, you will discover and outline a specific implementation of the MD5 algorithm, where it provides high value and a very low security risk.
In contrast, in the worst use portion, you will attempt to crack an MD5 hash (this is ethical hacking) and suggest a scenario where the worst use practice may actually be implemented.
The reason for this lab is to give you an understanding of how cryptography can be properly and improperly used and how changes in technology may serve to weaken trusted cryptographic applications.
Best Use of MD5 or SHA-1: Outline a scenario where the MD5 or SHA-1 algorithms are put to good and proper use. Start by stating what the algorithm does and give a use case where either MD5 or SHA-1 has a best fit condition. It is generally about 5-10 sentences.
Ethical Hacking of MD5: Copy the following text into your lab document and fill in the blanks.
MD5 Hash 1: 4eefef62c45d66f55d89c515d8352c5c Input was: _____
MD5 Hash 2: 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 Input was: _____
MD5 Hash 3: d6a6bc0db10694a2d90e3a69648f3a03 Input was: _____
Worst Use of MD5 or SHA-1: Outline a scenario where the MD5 or SHA-1 algorithms are put to poor or improper use. Start by stating what improper assumptions were made and how it did (or could) lead to a security compromise. It is generally about 5-10 sentences.
Citations and Resources Used in This Report: Tell us where you received external guidance and ideas. If you have presented original ideas, then give yourself credit, and tell us why you believe it is correct.