Lab: Traffic Light Controller
In this lab, we will build a prototype for a basic traffic light controller system as discussed in the class. The specification of the system is given below.
Port E will be used for detecting traffic and Port B will be used as signaling the traffic light outputs. Following are the inputs for traffic detection:
1. PE1=0, PE0=0 means no cars exist on either road
2. PE1=0, PE0=1 means there are cars on the East road
3. PE1=1, PE0=0 means there are cars on the North road
4. PE1=1, PE0=1 means there are cars on both roads.
The system can be represented as follows:
Lab Requirements
TM4C123G kit, one breadboard, six LEDs, two red, two green and, two yellow, two switches, two 10K ohm and six 470 ohm resistors, bunch of small wire pieces.
You have to implement the PortE_init() and PortB_Init() functions and state initialization in addition to the objective of the lab. We have provided you the code for SysTick timer, but you must have clear understanding of how does it work. You must verify the device register addresses of Port B and Port E.