
In this individual project you will function in the

Final Project (Individual) Powerpoint Presentation

In this individual project, you will function in the capacity of Chief Knowledge Officer to an organization, either accessible or researched. You are not to write your presentation as if you are a consultant. I want you to write as if you are a part of the organization you have chosen and have the ownership of the KM processes and the senior position to make things happen.

Required Elements to include in the Final Project Presentation:

  • The presentation should include a statement of your objective as the CKO and the strategic alignment of KM to the organization's mission.
  • Students will assess the organization's KM strategies, structures, positions, and processes through a SWOT analysis.
  • Students will make recommendations based on course materials regarding KM strategies to improve the organization.

 Required Formatting of Presentation:

  • The deliverable for the project is a PowerPoint presentation of 12 to 15 content slides.
  • Include only short bullet points on the slides.
  • Talking points go below each slide (in "click here to add notes"). Talking points should include your K-SWOT, strategic alignment, recommendations and source/references to support these recommendations. A slide for evaluation or K-valuation or Benchmarking metrics is appropriate.
  • Note: A draft of your final project will be posted for purposes of feedback and K-sharing in the discussion area. You will be required to respond to all questions and comments in the Week 8 discussion area.
  • The level of expected interaction is included in the project grade.

Be SURE to review all requirements for this assignment.

Here are my expectations for your 12-15 content slides:

  1. Statement of Objectives as the CKO
  2. Strategic Alignment of Knowledge Management to (Name of Organization's) Mission
  3. (Name of Organization's) Knowledge Management Strategy
  4. Strengths of (Name of Organization's) Knowledge Management Strategy
  5. Weaknesses of (Name of Organization's) Knowledge Management Strategy
  6. Opportunities Identified in (Name of Organization's) Knowledge Management Strategy
  7. Threats Facing (Name of Organization's) Knowledge Management Strategy
  8. X -- First Recommendation to Improve the Organization
  9. X -- Second Recommendation to Improve the Organization
  10. X -- Third Recommendation to Improve the Organization
  11. Benchmarking Metrics
  12. Reference list

IF you need to exceed the pages, that will be okay, but ONLY if the content requires it. Don't give me a laundry list of KM stuff because you want to fill the presentation up with KM terms. All of your content needs to relate directly to the organization you have chosen to study. I cannot overstate this: do not invent scenarios about your chosen organization. The presentation must be factual, full of evidence, and be verifiable. I will check your sources as a matter of due diligence.

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Business Management: In this individual project you will function in the
Reference No:- TGS02377411

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