
In this individual assignment you should describe analyse

Assignment -

The Advanced Service Management (FEAD49) course gives you an overview of the key theoretical concepts frequently discussed and debated in the field of service research. In this individual assignment, you should describe, analyse and critically reflect four of theoretical concepts discussed in the course. The concepts that should be included in the assignment are:

  • Service (singular)
  • Value cocreation
  • Service ecosystem
  • One concept that you choose from the course literature.

More specifically, your task is to use the course literature to explain how the concepts are understood and discussed within service research by different authors and from different perspectives. You can also use practical examples to illustrate the concepts and their meaning(s). To gain the higher grade, you should include your own analysis and reflection of the concepts in which you use the course literature to support your arguments and conclusions. An academic writing style and citation technique should be used throughout the assignment. The length of the text should be no more than 2000 words (approximately 1 page for each concept). It is up to you to decide how to distribute the words between the concepts. Indicate the total word count at the end of the assignment.

A seminar version of the paper (a full version of your assignment) should be handed in via Canvas (deadline see schedule). After the seminar, you have the possibility to revise and refine the paper for couple of days. The final paper shall be handed in electronically via Canvas (deadline see schedule). A paper copy of the final paper should be handed in the red postbox named FÖRETAGSEKONOMI (deadline see schedule).

It is mandatory to use the cover sheet found in Canvas in your assignment when it is handed in. Do not forget to fill in the name, personal social number, the course name, assignment name etc.

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Dissertation: In this individual assignment you should describe analyse
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