
In this first section of class we have read and discussed a



"How My Illiterate Grandmother Raised an Educated Black Man" by Terrell Jermaine Starr

"Only Daughter" by Sandra Cisneros


In this first section of class, we have read and discussed a couple of articles that explore the effect our families', and communities we belong to guide our upbringing and the valueswe gain (codes/morals, also traits/characteristics may apply). Through the course of life, many individuals, both family and not, have the potential to guide us and influence who we become. There may also be an activity or hobby that speaks to us that we become passionate about, and in turn shapes who we are and our values.It is also valuable to consider within what ‘communities' do we make contact with these people of activities of influence.Think back upon your experiences that brought you to this point, and identify an individual(or an activity/hobby, perhaps even an event) that has had a great impact upon your life and who you are today. It is best to focus on a single person (or activity/event), and to highlight multiple ways they influenced your values. Two BP's should highlight specific values that you gained from this ‘influencer'. One BP should identify and consider the role (influence) a ‘community' had on either your ‘influencer' or on your ‘values gained'. Be careful while planning and avoid creating too broad or story-like essays. This first essay is about establishing a strong approach to essay and paragraph structure (5 Paragraph Structure, PIES for BP's); an essay built around a specific thesis and paragraphs that have a clearly developed main points.


After choosing a person or activity of influence to focus your essay on, identify and create a clear thesis for the paper. The thesis should be a specific statement on the influence or effect this person had on you (it could also characterize the set of values you gained). From this point, you should build 2 support paragraphs focused around the qualities/valuesthis person or activity/hobbyinstilled in you. A third support paragraph should analyze or consider how a ‘community' influenced the experience you had, what you learned, and/or how you applied it. It is ok to buildparagraphs from the perspective of what you learned (the values you gained) from this person/experience and community. Whatever your approach, be sure to build paragraphs that are focused on a single idea that is specific. Avoid falling prey to the "story" essay or creating a paper that is too broad and general.


• Essay must be 3 pages minimum, and no more than 4.
• Essay I should follow a 5 paragraph format
• Essay should follow MLA format.
• Pay close attention to essay and paragraph structure.

English Outline Format

Thesis - It should be a complete sentence that states your topic (influencer of your values) and a controlling idea that presents how they ‘impacted you'. Keep in mind the thesis is the last sentence of the intro.

1. Major Sub Point 1 (P) - These points should be presented in sentence form and they will become the topic sentences to your three body paragraphs

• Supporting Details - These don't have to be complete sentences

• But there needs to be a clear understanding to say

• Keep in mind PIES - (P) present point in Topic Sentence, (I) Immediately follow up and analyze/develop, (E) example, (S) summarize and return to main point.

2. Major Sub Point 2 (P)- Again a complete sentence that states the main point of the paragraph.

• (I)
• (E)
• (S)

3. Major Sub Point 3 (P) -

• (I)
• (E)
• (S)

The more detailed your outline, the better prepared you will be for your draft. In the end, the time spent on the outline will save you time during the drafting process.

Student Example

English Outline Format

Thesis - My mother has taught me many key values and morals that have helped me successfully achieve my goals and find happiness in life.

1. (P) My mother was always present to motivate and make sure that I put for the necessary hard work to succeed in my academics.

• (I) Working hard is important to achieving what you most want in life

• (E) Elementary- wanting to give up because I didn't feel like doing homework, mom stood next to me at the desk until I finally just sat down and did the work

• (S) Mom encouraged me to work even when I didn't want to/the work was boring, lead to strong work ethic I have today

2. (P) Kindness - (TS not well done in that it only gives a ‘topic' for the paragraph...)

• (I) Mother is one of kindest people I know, passed that trait/value onto me, try to be as caring as she is

• (E) Annoying kids when she volunteers at school, she is patient with them and takes time to listen and tries her best to understand what they're saying

• (S) Mom has taught me kindness even in times when people are difficult to deal with

3. Being true to yourself is one the most important values I've gained from my mother.

• (I) This means standing up for yourself when people pick on something you believe in/something about you that you like about yourself

• (E) In second grade when I wore light-up Spiderman shoes to school and was criticized by my female classmates, came home and told my mom about it and she told me not to listen to them and wear the shoes if I wanted to... I did and now my love for superheroes has evolved to part of my personality

• (S) You never know which moments will define you until you look back on your life, if you let someone else influence your choices without really considering them yourself, you will never really be your own person.

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