
In this final research paper using all of the scholarly

Research Paper Assignment: Diversity & Discrimination

Length: 5 pages.


As we know, negative media representations of the "other" in the American society as well as other societies exist.

In this final research paper, USING all of the scholarly sources provided, develop a final analysis of the problem of Media Representations of the "other", mainly Muslims.

1- State what YOUR research problem is about. (thesis statement)

2- Put EVERYTHING you currently KNOW about the problem (off the top of your head) and explain why you think your research is important.

3- Address the different levels of importance: how is it important to you personally & you know about the problem (have you experienced or witnessed the problem in real life)? How do you think knowing more will help you in the future?) How is it important for the rest of us (what will this understanding mean for society) - or, more simply, why should we care?

4- Now SPECULATE - what do you think is happening? Essentially, hypothesize what your findings and conclude your research.

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Dissertation: In this final research paper using all of the scholarly
Reference No:- TGS02572623

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