
In this course you will contribute to a group discussion

Question: In this course, you will contribute to a group discussion defining key medical and financial terms from the healthcare system that apply to the case study about Jean in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document.

First, reread the case study and review the course readings to date, including selections from the textbook and articles. As needed, you may also consider portions of the textbook we have not covered yet. Then address the following critical elements:

- Identify five key terms that relate to the provided case study. These terms may be words or phrases you already used in your milestone assignments or words or phrases you have learned about through other activities or research in the class. Be sure you can research and provide a clear, concise, and accurate definition of each term you select and can explain each term to an audience. At least two of the terms you select should be medical in nature (relating to Jean's illness, mental health, or medical services), and one should be financial (relating to costs or financial needs associated with Jean's care).

- Add your five terms to the group discussion and, for each word or phrase, provide a cited definition. The cited definition may be derived from a single source or a blend of multiple sources. In each case, cite the sources using APA style.

- For each term, also provide an alternative definition that you could use to help explain the term to someone new to the U.S. healthcare system. The alternative explanation should be in relatively simple language, showing how you might explain the term to a friend without expertise in human services or healthcare. You may cite an example or refer to the case of Jean.

Note that no term may be defined more than once in the group discussion. If you need assistance with finding terms, contact your instructor as soon as possible.

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Finance Basics: In this course you will contribute to a group discussion
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