
In this course i have chosen to teach on the passage in

Question: 250 words or more answer the questions 1-3 for both

1. In which areas do you agree and/or disagree with your classmate's answers? Explain.

2. Are there any statements which require clarification? Explain.

3. Identify at least 1 pre-supposition in your classmate's thread, and explain why you agree or disagree with his/her presupposition(s).

ONE: In this course, I have chosen to teach on the passage in Colossians 3:1-4. In the sixth chapter of the textbook, the teacher will present the Passage, according to the author means it will explain the content. The reason why the teacher does that is to get to the principle of the passage. Like the author states, "This step is a bridge between the original audience and the current audience and spans the wide gap between the time and setting of the first century and the twentieth century." The principle of my passage is that we are new, and to act and think like the new people we are. As simple as the principle is, that's all there is to it, Paul continues to explain how to apply and do these things, that we are to seek and set.

Personalizing this passage is something I would disagree with and avoid, only because many have tried to place themselves in the Text where they have no business doing so and have created a theology that is foreign to Orthodoxy. But in this case, because of the context and of whom Paul, the author, is writing to the audience which is located in Colossae. How we bridge the gap is by understanding what it meant to them in their day, and how we can apply it to us in our day. The meaning does not change, the exhortation Paul is giving doesn't change, in fact, the principle is simple and applicable to all Christians who have professed faith in Christ Jesus and have obtained saving faith. This passage is ONLY applicable and intended for Christians, Paul writes to the SAINTS of Colossae. It becomes exclusive; then again the Gospel is exclusive.

I can say that it's a day to day basis that I have to remind myself and apply this truth that is present here in the third chapter of Paul's epistle. I am new, been raised with Christ and need to set my mind on heavenly things. I need to seek the things from above, heavenly things. We are fortunate to have such reminders and through God's grace, we have them written down for us to read and be reminded that we are new, new creations, reborn, regenerated and are co-heirs with Christ. That is joy and a great hope.

TWO: The first assignment I got when I went into ministry was to make sure all the bathrooms where cleaned and well stocked, any plumbing issue that could not be resolved by myself, it was my responsibility to find someone in the church to help me. This venture taught me two things, one how to be a servant and the second, don't be so big that you can ask for help.Christ was preparing his disciples from leadership in the New Testament church. Do not be like those you see, looking down on others, put to be a servant and to model themselves after Christ. The point in time will come that, they will no longer be the student being able to watch and learn what the master was doing. They shall one day be the Apostles, they in turn will teach and guide a new set of of disciples. Teaching them the principal, "that God gave his only begotten son that whosoever believe on him shall not die in vain, but have eternal life." (paraphrase quote." Remember how Jesus wrapped a towel around himself bending down to wash the dirt off his disciples feet? I was once in a ministry that followed this example of Christ, and he took it a step further, he had those who did not like or care for another person to wash that persons feet. Oh! How humbling! We never look at each other the same way again. If a person isn't willing to serve is on who is not worthy to be followed or to have leadership. I agree in your assumption, what the principal of this text is teaching. I can see how it effected you first and that is the way it should be.

I pray for your continue journey in the ministry. You already gain an understanding of being a servant, you are will on your way. A warning or may I say tip for you, don't get comfortable in a position that you may receive, for you must work yourself out of the job by training someone who can one day take over your position, This is God's way of elevation.

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