In this case I think consumer behavior is more of a function of generation because products change over time. The needs and wants of 1969 are most likely not going to be the same needs and wants of 2011. A big part of the reasoning behind this is because of the marketers. Marketers of 2011 aren't going to be selling products from 1969 because they aren't in style. A 25 year old wants what is in style or what their friends have and the marketers are studying this. Marketers will target the 25 year olds with the products they want like cell phones making them seem more like a need than a want. A lot of 25 year olds in 1969 wanted muscle cars and a lot of 25 year olds in 2011 wanted the next best cell phone and still do to this day. I think each generation's consumer behavior is changed because of the marketers and that the products they are selling are always changing. ?agree or dis agree and why