
In this book the history of the united states is seen from

Visit your college's Online Library, which you can access through the Resources tab.

Do an extensive search for books, articles, websites, printed or video interviews, and other secondary materials on Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye and related subjects in African American Literature.

Put together a bibliography in APA style that contains a minimum of 8-10 credible academic sources.

Next, speed read - or skim - through the materials you have located and select five (5) sources that will likely be the most helpful in writing an analytic research essay on Toni Morrison's novel The Bluest Eye.

Write five annotated notes, one each, for each of your five chosen sources about The Bluest Eye. Each note should be a paragraph that summarizes the main focus of the listed source. Work in a Word document


Sample Annotated Bibliography Entry

Zinn, H. (1997). A People's history of the United States. New York: New Press

In this book the history of the United States is seen from the viewpoint of people who were not necessarily beneficiaries of American democracies. The book concentrates on the experiences of slaves, American Indians, women, and other disenfranchised groups and how they were affected by the major events in American history. It also includes excerpts from primary sources that show many of the country's most famous individuals as members of an elite upper class rather than idealized heroes.

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