Literature Review Outcomes 1, 2, and 3
In this Assignment, you will develop a literature review on course outcomes 1, 2, and 3. The purpose of this literature review for your Final Project business case is to establish a theoretical framework that is used to answer your management research questions. Once the management research questions are answered, the literature review helps to inform decisions on primary and alternative solutions to the business dilemmas identified in your business case.
Using inductive reasoning to build a literature review is no easy task, but practice makes perfect! Be sure to read about inductive reasoning using the Internship Handbook resources. Through employing practice to theory principles, you will build a literature review to develop best practices and solutions to the business dilemma problems and opportunities already identified in your Final Project business case. Your literature will be designed to answer the management research questions you developed, and to draw conclusions on best practices to solve the business dilemmas for Course outcomes 1, 2, and 3. To successfully complete this Assignment, execute the following requirements:
- Read Unit 6 in theInternship Handbookto familiarize yourself about the intricacies of writing a literature review for course outcomes 1, 2, and 3.
- Create an outline for your literature review to address your management research questions for Course outcomes 1, 2, and 3 using inductive reasoning techniques.
- Ensure the outline is comprised of major headings and subheadings that control the flow of your writing.
- In the introduction, explain how the literature review outline was inductively developed for Course Outcomes 1, 2, and 3.
- Using expository writing techniques, effectively connect practice with theory through analysis of the business dilemma for Course outcomes 1, 2, and 3.
- Use a minimum of 3 research resources to connect practice with theory in your literature review for each Course Outcome. A minimum of one peer reviewed resource should be used in the literature review for each course outcome.
- Draw conclusions to determine solutions to the major and minor management research questions.