
in this assignment you will create a windows

In this assignment you will create a Windows application that mimic the ILDASM application. Your application should have at least the following features:

1. A multi-form application.

2. Use an OpenFileDialog control to allow the user to open a .NET assembly file (EXE or DLL) at the specified location.

3. Use a MenuStrip control to create menus at the top of the main form.

4. Use a TreeView control to display type members hierarchically in a tree.

5. A parent node contains the pathname of the assembly. The parent node contains child nodes which are all the types defined in the assembly. Each the child node (Type) can be parents to other nodes (Type members).

6. Different node types (Class, Structure, Field, Property, Method or Constructor) should have different images in the tree view.

7. When you double click on a node in the Tree. A modal form should be displayed to list extra information depending on the node type. For example,If the node is a Type, then you should list its Namespace, whether the type is Sealed, Abstract, Public, Class and etc. If the node is Method, then you should use the MethodInfo to list whether  the method is Static, Public, Private, and Virtual. Also, you should list  its return type and parameter types. If the node is Property, then you should use the PropertyInfo to list its  Data Type, and the name of its Get accessor and Set accessor if any.

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DOT NET Programming: in this assignment you will create a windows
Reference No:- TGS0205805

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