In this assignment you will apply ethical decision making

Addressing Perceived Ethical Misconduct

In this assignment, you will apply ethical decision making to a scenario in which you are confronted with a colleague whose behavior may be unethical. You will demonstrate that you understand what actions one may or may not be required to take in such a scenario.


Reconsider vignette 3 from the following journal article, which you had read Ethical and Professional Conflicts in Correctional Psychology (

For the purpose of this assignment, assume that you and your colleague Dr. R work in a correctional facility in your state. Dr. R is a licensed psychologist and a member of the American Psychological Association. The warden asks Dr. R to conduct an evaluation on an inmate without informing the inmate of its purpose, which Dr. R agrees to do.

What action would you take in this scenario and why?

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Dissertation: In this assignment you will apply ethical decision making
Reference No:- TGS01282225

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