
In this assignment need to choose two cultures one is my

Assessments Project

In this assignment need to choose two cultures one is my own AND ONE ANOTHER culture to compare each other. My culture is Indian and another you can choose which is easy for you to explain and compare with INDIA.

The Task - The project is divided into five sections:

Section 1 - The national culture you have chosen to investigate

In this section, you are required to choose one national culture as a focus for investigation and explore what business and cultural literature is available to inform your understandings of how national culture is likely to influence organisational and management practices in that nation.

Your introduction to Section 1 should provide a brief paragraph of descriptive details concerned with the geographical location of the national culture assigned to you and any relevant details about national business activity. Some linguistic, currency, political and demographic information, for example, may be useful. You should provide a thesis statement (an overarching, one sentence description about the national culture) and an outline of argument that provides a summary of the key points you plan to make about that national culture relevant to organisational practices and management.

Main body - The main body of the section should provide a more detailed critical examination of cultural theories as they pertain to organisational contexts in the national culture under investigation. You will need to draw on peer reviewed, reputable, published work and academic texts to complete the task.

Section 2 - Personal cultural identity

In Section 2, you are asked to provide a somewhat reflective account of the main national, cultural influences in your formative years and later life, perhaps alluding to home life, education and language, for example and to suggest how that cultural influence has had an impact on your expectations of workplace practices.

Your introduction to Section 2 should identify the main national culture(s) that influenced your formative years. You should provide a thesis statement (an overarching, one sentence description about the national culture) and an outline of argument that provides a summary of the key points you plan to make about that national culture relevant to organisational practices and management. The introduction need only amount to a paragraph or two.

Main body - The main body of the section should provide a more detailed critical examination of cultural theories as it pertains to organisational contexts in the national culture that influenced you most.

Section 3 - Project Findings

Explain how well you would expect to adapt as an expatriate manager, to the culture identified in Section 1, based on your own cultural identity. If either the nominated culture in your project, or the one that influenced you most, represents a vast area where there may be a certain amount of regional, cultural variation (such as China or India), you may want to comment on any relevant subcultural variations based on published evidence.

Section 4 - Conclusion

Briefly summarise your key points with respect to your evaluation of how you would be likely to adapt and perform in the nominated culture given your own cultural profile. Indicate where your strengths and challenges may lie and suggest any professional or personal development that may enable you to strengthen your position in adapting to, and functioning in the national culture identified. Any ideas you suggest that are based on your reading, must be linked to the literature on preparing expatriates for overseas assignments.

Section 5 - References

You are expected to include a list of references cited in the project. They should be in alphabetical order and conform to UniSA Harvard referencing conventions.

The references should be drawn from peer reviewed quality journal papers or good quality academic texts. Do not use any other online sources such as Wikipedia or blogs. The quality of your sources is directly relevant to the quality of your work.

At least 15 sources are expected in your reference list to demonstrate wide reading and an informed perspective associated with your assignment.

The reference list is not included in your word count.

Assessment Guidelines -

Ensure that you do the following things before you submit your assignment. Doing so will attract marks in the assessment of your assignment.

Use UniSA Harvard referencing conventions in your reference list and in-text references.

Save your assessment file in your name, starting with your surname or family name in capitals followed by your first name. This is all the information needed. For example, save the name as follows: CROSSMANJoanna.

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Dissertation: In this assignment need to choose two cultures one is my
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