Flint Water Crisis
In this assignment you will review an authentic and recent environmental issue, the Flint water crisis. Complete a 3-4 page AMA format written summary of three documents; choose one a recognized media report on the crisis, one research paper, and a government report. Compare and contrast the three reports on the water crisis. Critique the articles and look for bias. In addition, touch upon the following questions: Did the media article accurately cover the topic? Did the technical report provide statistically significant findings? Were the social justice issues covered? Please choose your articles from the following list:
Links for Flint River Water Crisis Assignment
Wall Street Journal
EPA Official Defends Handling of Flint Water Crisis; Congressional hearing lays out tensions between local, state and federal leaders
Maher, Kris. Wall Street Journal (Online) [New York, N.Y] 15 Mar 2016: n/a.
https://search.proquest.com.une.idm.oclc.org/docview/1773251498/fulltext/96580D0B1A6E4 4A0PQ/10?accountid=12756
Flint Water Crisis Shines Light on Lead Pipes Across U.S. Michigan city's woes expose the danger of aging infrastructure; replacing old pipes is difficult and costly
McWhirter, Cameron; Maher, Kris. Wall Street Journal (Online) [New York, N.Y] 28 Jan 2016: n/a.
https://search.proquest.com.une.idm.oclc.org/docview/1760777482/fulltext/96580D0B1A6E4 4A0PQ/23?accountid=12756
New York Times
Flint's Water Is Linked to High Lead in Children: [National Desk]
Davey, Monica. New York Times, Late Edition (East Coast) [New York, N.Y] 08 Oct 2015: A.18.
https://search.proquest.com.une.idm.oclc.org/docview/1719884551/fulltext/40198988F A924B25PQ/3?accountid=12756
A Question of Environmental Racism in Flint: [National Desk]
Eligon, John. New York Times, Late Edition (East Coast) [New York, N.Y] 22 Jan 2016: A.1.
https://search.proquest.com.une.idm.oclc.org/docview/1758847548/fulltext/40198988FA924 B25PQ/8?accountid=12756
Research Journals
Environmental Health
Dyjack, David, DrPH, CIH. Journal of Environmental Health 78.7 (Mar 2016): 62,61
https://search.proquest.com.une.idm.oclc.org/docview/1765536213/fulltextPDF/BF7569575B FC4376PQ/1?accountid=12756
Change in Childhood Lead Exposure Prevalence With New Reference Level
Leafe, Morgan, MD; Irigoyen, Matilde, MD; DeLago, Cynthia, MPH, MD; Hassan, Amman, MD; Braitman, Leonard, PhD. Journal of Environmental Health 77.10 (Jun 2015): 1416.
https://search.proquest.com.une.idm.oclc.org/docview/1683686276/fulltextPDF/77A78FBFFB 62404CPQ/1?accountid=12756
Government Documents
Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water
https://www.epa.gov/groundwateranddrinkingwater/basicinformationaboutleaddrinkin gwater
EPA Letter to Michigan DEQ, City of Flint Regarding Capability to Boost Chlorine
City of Flint Response to May 16, 2016 EPA Flint Safe Drinking Water Task Force Recommendation on Maintenance of pH in Distribution System
https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/201606/documents/letter_to_deq_creagh_and_ deq_feighner_and_epa_pollins_052916.pdf