
In thermal expansion is a tendencyof a material to increase

In thermal expansion is a tendencyof a material to increase in size as it increase intemperature. Where the young modulusdescribes tesile elasticity. or the tendecy on a object to deformalong the an axis when opposing forces area applied that axis, itisdefined as the ratio of tensilestress to tensilestrain.

Question is:

How thus this young modulus effect in the thermal expansion where the stress is the force causing thedeformation being applied and the strain the ratio of change causedby the stress. Explain it further about young modulus to thermalexpansion, set an example problem with correspond equation appliedso that a clear discussion will be obtain by your answer being to provide.

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Civil Engineering: In thermal expansion is a tendencyof a material to increase
Reference No:- TGS0797905

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