
In the united states recent reports indicate that suicide


Comparing Mood Disorders

As you have seen in the Learning Resources for the week, several mood disorders have overlapping characteristics; however, mood disorders may be distinguished from one another by their significant differences. These differences may aid in the accuracy and the recommendations that a forensic psychology professional gives for the diagnosis, treatment planning, and appropriate follow-up. In this

Discussion, you will compare mood disorders and discuss challenges in making diagnoses.

To prepare:

• Review this week's Learning Resources.

• Focus on the case studies of the "Dysthymic Executive" on pages 217-218 and "Connie" on pages 218-219 of Abnormal Psychology.

• Consider how you would explain the differences between the disorders in the cases you review.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a comparison (similarities and differences) between the executive's disorder and Connie's disorder. Then, explain the factors that might make it difficult to differentiate between and diagnose the disorders. Next, postulate on some recommendations that might be given for treatment of either case if a forensic psychology professional were to evaluate the individual.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Application: Working with a Suicidal Client

"In the United States, recent reports indicate that suicide was the seventh leading cause of death for men (accounting for 2.3 percent of total deaths), whereas it was the 15th leading cause of death for women (accounting for 0.6 percent of total deaths)...Suicide now ranks as the third most common cause of death in the United States for 15-19 year olds (after accidents and homicide), accounting for approximately 11 percent of total deaths" (Kochanek et al., 2011). These statistics underscore the importance of accurately assessing a client's suicidal tendencies. To maintain a high level of care and plan appropriate treatment, you should always consider the risk of suicide in depressed clients. This is true even when a client does not routinely entertain thoughts of suicide or when suicide is not addressed in a session.

To prepare:

• Review this week's Learning Resources.

• Focus on the information on suicide on pages 259-266.

• Consider the psychological, biological, and sociocultural factors associated with suicide.

The Assignment: (1-2 pages)

• Explain how you can determine whether or not a client is suicidal.

• Explain how you would treat a suicidal client, produce ongoing assessments, and follow up with the client.

• Explain any challenges that might occur and how you might address them.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.

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Dissertation: In the united states recent reports indicate that suicide
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