
In the time since they occurred the fair deal policies of

1. In the time since they occurred, the "Fair Deal" policies of Harry Truman's presidential administration and the "Modern Republicanism" of Dwight Eisenhower's presidential administration have often been held up as standards of excellence for presidential administrations.  Yet, the ability for these administrations to attain the kinds of growth and success they did might be attributed to the economic boom coming out of World War II that the United States experienced between 1945 and 1960. In other words, this growth may have been a product of particular elements of its time period that subsequent years could not duplicate. Identify four distinct economic, political, and/or cultural developments from between 1945 and 1960 that contributed to U.S. growth and success at the time period. For each example, clearly identify the development and clearly explain how the development contributed to U.S. growth and success between 1945 and 1960. Then, clearly explain how the combination of the developments you have discussed produced an environment that facilitated kinds of success and growth that may not have been achievable in the same ways before or since.

2. The Cold War largely defined U.S. foreign policy from the late 1940s until the early 1990s. With that in mind, describe how the Cold War influenced U.S. foreign policy in each decade from the 1950s through the 1980s. Specifically discuss each of these four decades, with clear indication of major foreign policy events and policies from each decade and explanation of how the Cold War produced those policies and events. Finally, discuss at least two ways in which the Cold War affected domestic life in the United States from the 1950s through the 1980s.

3. The 1970s and 1980s demonstrate the continuing struggle for social reform that women and racial/ethnic minorities have faced throughout U.S. history.  In particular, even as these groups saw some advances during this time period, they also struggled to deal with backlash against the advances they had made in previous decades. With that in mind, for five of the following six groups, indicate one advance the group made in terms of gaining rights, opportunities, and/or equitable treatment during the 1970s and/or 1980s and indicate one form of resistance or backlash the group faced while continuing to seek rights, opportunities, and equitable treatment:  women, gay men/women, African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino Americans, and Native Americans.

4. As the course textbook indicates, during the 1970s many Americans "questioned ... the government's ability to solve social problems" (880). The 1980s followed with efforts in which political leaders "sought to downsize government, reduce taxes, and roll back regulations that they claimed hampered business competition" (915). With this in mind, indicate three distinct specific events or developments from the 1960s and/or 1970s that caused many Americans to feel they could not trust the U.S. government. For each example, clearly describe the event or development and explain how the event or development led to mistrust of the U.S. government. Then, discuss three distinct policies or actions taken by presidential administrations from the 1970s and 1980s that specifically attempted to reduce or change involvement of the U.S. government in particular affairs.  For each example, clearly describe the policy or action and what it entails and then clearly explain how it demonstrates an attempt to reduce or change the U.S. government's involvement with the aspects of U.S. life to which it pertained.

5. Indicate one environmental issue, one international political issue, one economic issue, and one cultural issue that have been significant to U.S. society since the end of the Cold War. Explain each issue fully and clearly. Then, for each issue, explain how your study of U.S. history throughout this course has influenced your view of that issue. For each issue, explain how elements of U.S. history since the Reconstruction period have influenced what has been occurring in connection with that issue in more recent times. [Note that stating that you have not been influenced by your study of U.S. history throughout this course is not considered a valid option in answering this question. Even if you still think largely what you did before the course began, the study of U.S. history should have at least produced more specific nuances to your position upon which you can elaborate in answering this question.]

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History: In the time since they occurred the fair deal policies of
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