
In the text methods in behavioral research 11th12th edition

In the text "Methods in Behavioral Research" 11th/12th edition by Paul C. Cozby and Scott C. Bates.

Please go to page 235 if you have edition 11th or 238 if 12th edition of your text. After reading the article "Banyard, V.L., Moynihan, M.M., & Crossman, M. T. (2009). Reducing sexual violence on campus: The role of student leaders as empowered bystanders. Journal of College Student Development, 50, 446-457. doi:10.1353/csd.0.0083" answers the following questions:

a. What were the weaknesses of this quasi-experimental study?

b. Do you agree that the results of this article are promising? Explain why.


c. How would you determine if there is a problem of sexual violence at our College?

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