
In the space provided format the in-text citations

MLA Quoting, Paraphrasing, and In-Text Citation Practice

Directions: In the space provided, format the in-text citations according to the information given. Make sure your quotation marks AND periods are correctly placed.

Example: A direct quotation written by Burke found on page 3:

"Human beings have been described as symbol-using animals" (Burke 3).

1. A direct quotation written by Chambers found on page 11:

At the man's feet is a sign that reads: "Won't you help me? I'm cold and homeless. God Bless You"

2. A paraphrase from Jack Ziegler's book Writing Fundamentals found on page 423:

Both poet-teachers strongly believe in the benefits of dream writing for beginning writers

3. A direct quotation found on a webpage titled Rivers and accessed on April 30:

"Ohio River, Algonquian for 'beautiful river', is in the east central United States"

4. A paraphrase from a webpage titled Rivers Unlimited found at www.riversunlimited.org/:

A group called Rivers Unlimited works to preserve rivers all throughout the state of Ohio

5. A paraphrase from an article in a Travel Magazine with no author titled "The New Republic" and found on page 38:

Students learned a full year's Spanish in ten days using the complete super memory method

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Other Subject: In the space provided format the in-text citations
Reference No:- TGS02533519

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