Text Book - Algorithm Design by Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos
Chapter 6 - Dynamic Programming
Q1. Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph with n nodes. Recall that a subset of the nodes is called an independent set if no two of them are joined by an edge. Finding large independent sets is difficult in general; but here we'll see that it can be done efficiently if the graph is "simple" enough.
Call a graph G =(V, E) a path if its nodes can be written as v1, v2,..., vn, with an edge between vi and vj if and only if the numbers i and j differ by exactly 1. With each node vi, we associate a positive integer weight wi.
Consider, for example, the five-node path drawn in Figure 6.28. The weights are the numbers drawn inside the nodes.
The goal in this question is to solve the following problem:
Find an independent set in a path G whose total weight is as large as possible.
(a) Give an example to show that the following algorithm does not always find an independent set of maximum total weight.
The "heaviest-first" greedy algorithm
Start with S equal to the empty set
While some node remains in G
Pick a node vi of maximum weight
Add vi to S
Delete vi and its neighbors from G
Return S
(b) Give an example to show that the following algorithm also does not always find an independent set of maximum total weight.
Let S1 be the set of all vi where i is an odd number
Let S2 be the set of all vi where i is an even number
(Note that S1 and S2 are both independent sets)
Determine which of S1 or S2 has greater total weight, and return this one
(c) Give an algorithm that takes an n-node path G with weights and returns an independent set of maximum total weight. The running time should be polynomial in n, independent of the values of the weights.
Q2. Suppose you're managing a consulting team of expert computer hackers, and each week you have to choose a job for them to undertake. Now, as you can well imagine, the set of possible jobs is divided into those that are low-stress (e.g., setting up a Web site for a class at the local elementary school) and those that are high-stress (e.g., protecting the nation's most valuable secrets, or helping a desperate group of Cornell students finish a project that has something to do with compilers). The basic question, each week, is whether to take on a low-stress job or a high-stress job.
If you select a low-stress job for your team in week i, then you get a revenue of li > 0 dollars; if you select a high-stress job, you get a revenue of hi > 0 dollars. The catch, however, is that in order for the team to take on a high-stress job in week i, it's required that they do no job (of either type) in week i - 1; they need a full week of prep time to get ready for the crushing stress level. On the other hand, it's okay for them to take a low-stress job in week i even if they have done a job (of either type) in week i - 1.
So, given a sequence of n weeks, a plan is specified by a choice of "low-stress," "high-stress," or "none" for each of the n weeks, with the property that if "high-stress" is chosen for week i > 1, then "none" has to be chosen for week i - 1. (It's okay to choose a high-stress job in week 1.) The value of the plan is determined in the natural way: for each i, you add li to the value if you choose "low-stress" in week i, and you add hi to the value if you choose "high-stress" in week i. (You add 0 if you choose "none" in week i.)
The problem. Given sets of values l1, l2,..., ln and h1, h2,..., hn, find a plan of maximum value. (Such a plan will be called optimal.)
Q3. Let G = (V, E) be a directed graph with nodes v1,...,vn. We say that G is an ordered graph if it has the following properties.
(i) Each edge goes froma node with a lower index to a node with a higher index. That is, every directed edge has the form (vi, vj) with i < j.
(ii) Each node except vn has at least one edge leaving it. That is, for every node vi, i = 1,2,..., n - 1, there is at least one edge of the form (vi, vj).
The length of a path is the number of edges in it. The goal in this question is to solve the following problem (see Figure 6.29 for an example).
Given an ordered graph G, find the length of the longest path that begins at v1 and ends at vn.
(a) Show that the following algorithm does not correctly solve this problem, by giving an example of an ordered graph on which it does not return the correct answer.
Set w = v1
Set L = 0
While there is an edge out of the node w
Choose the edge (w, vj)
for which j is as small as possible
Set w = vj
Increase L by 1
end while
Return L as the length of the longest path

In your example, say what the correct answer is and also what the algorithm above finds.
(b) Give an efficient algorithm that takes an ordered graph G and returns the length of the longest path that begins at v1 and ends at vn. (Again, the length of a path is the number of edges in the path.)
Q4. Suppose you're running a lightweight consulting business-just you, two associates, and some rented equipment. Your clients are distributed between the East Coast and the West Coast, and this leads to the following question.
Each month, you can either run your business from an office in New York (NY) or from an office in San Francisco (SF). In month i, you'll incur an operating cost of Ni if you run the business out of NY; you'll incur an operating cost of Si if you run the business out of SF. (It depends on the distribution of client demands for that month.)
However, if you run the business out of one city in month i, and then out of the other city in month i + 1, then you incur a fixed moving cost of M to switch base offices.
Given a sequence of n months, a plan is a sequence of n locations-each one equal to either NY or SF-such that the ith location indicates the city in which you will be based in the ith month. The cost of a plan is the sum of the operating costs for each of the n months, plus a moving cost of M for each time you switch cities. The plan can begin in either city.
The problem. Given a value for the moving cost M, and sequences of operating costs N1,..., Nn and S1,..., Sn, find a plan of minimum cost. (Such a plan will be called optimal.)
Q5. As some of you know well, and others of you may be interested to learn, a number of languages (including Chinese and Japanese) are written without spaces between the words. Consequently, software that works with text written in these languages must address the word segmentation problem-inferring likely boundaries between consecutive words in the text. If English were written without spaces, the analogous problem would consist of taking a string like "meet at eight" and deciding that the best segmentation is "meet at eight" (and not "me et at eight," or "meet at eight," or any of a huge number of even less plausible alternatives). How could we automate this process?
A simple approach that is at least reasonably effective is to find a segmentation that simply maximizes the cumulative "quality" of its individual constituent words. Thus, suppose you are given a black box that, for any string of letters x = x1x2... xk, will return a number quality(x). This number can be either positive or negative; larger numbers correspond to more plausible English words. (So quality("me") would be positive, while quality("ght") would be negative.)
Given a long string of letters y = y1y2... yn, a segmentation of y is a partition of its letters into contiguous blocks of letters; each block corresponds to a word in the segmentation. The total quality of segmentation is determined by adding up the qualities of each of its blocks. (So we'd get the right answer above provided that quality("meet") + quality("at") + quality("eight") was greater than the total quality of any other segmentation of the string.)
Give an efficient algorithm that takes a string y and computes a segmentation of maximum total quality. (You can treat a single call to the black box computing quality(x) as a single computational step.)
(A final note, not necessary for solving the problem: To achieve better performance, word segmentation software in practice works with a more complex formulation of the problem-for example, incorporating the notion that solutions should not only be reasonable at the word level, but also form coherent phrases and sentences. If we consider the example "theyouthevent," there are at least three valid ways to segment this into common English words, but one constitutes a much more coherent phrase than the other two. If we think of this in the terminology of formal languages, this broader problem is like searching for a segmentation that also can be parsed well according to a grammar for the underlying language. But even with these additional criteria and constraints, dynamic programming approaches lie at the heart of a number of successful segmentation systems.)
Q6. In a word processor, the goal of "pretty-printing" is to take text with a ragged right margin, like this,
Call me Ishmael.
Some years ago,
never mind how long precisely,
having little or no money in my purse,
and nothing particular to interest me on shore,
I thought I would sail about a little
and see the watery part of the world.
and turn it into text whose right margin is as "even" as possible, like this.
Call me Ishmael. Some years ago, never
mind how long precisely, having little
or no money in my purse, and nothing
particular to interest me on shore, I
thought I would sail about a little
and see the watery part of the world.
To make this precise enough for us to start thinking about how to write a pretty-printer for text, we need to figure out what it means for the right margins to be "even." So suppose our text consists of a sequence of words, W ={w1, w2,..., wn}, where wi consists of ci characters. We have a maximum line length of L. We will assume we have a fixed-width font and ignore issues of punctuation or hyphenation.
A formatting of W consists of a partition of the words in W into lines. In the words assigned to a single line, there should be a space after each word except the last; and so if wj, wj+1,..., wk are assigned to one line, then we should have
[i=j∑k-1(ci+1)] + ck ≤ L.
We will call an assignment of words to a line valid if it satisfies this inequality. The difference between the left-hand side and the right-hand side will be called the slack of the line-that is, the number of spaces left at the right margin.
Give an efficient algorithm to find a partition of a set of words W into valid lines, so that the sum of the squares of the slacks of all lines (including the last line) is minimized.
Q7. As a solved exercise in Chapter 5, we gave an algorithm with O(n log n) running time for the following problem. We're looking at the price of a given stock over n consecutive days, numbered i = 1, 2, ..., n. For each day i, we have a price p(i) per share for the stock on that day. (We'll assume for simplicity that the price was fixed during each day.) We'd like to know: How should we choose a day i on which to buy the stock and a later day j > i on which to sell it, if we want to maximize the profit per share, p(j) - p(i)? (If there is no way to make money during the n days, we should conclude this instead.)
In the solved exercise, we showed how to find the optimal pair of days i and j in time O(n log n). But, in fact, it's possible to do better than this. Show how to find the optimal numbers i and j in time O(n).
Q8. The residents of the underground city of Zion defend themselves through a combination of kung fu, heavy artillery, and efficient algorithms. Recently they have become interested in automated methods that can help fend off attacks by swarms of robots.
Here's what one of these robot attacks looks like.
- A swarm of robots arrives over the course of n seconds; in the ith second, xi robots arrive. Based on remote sensing data, you know this sequence x1, x2,..., xn in advance.
- You have at your disposal an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), which can destroy some of the robots as they arrive; the EMP's power depends on how long it's been allowed to charge up. To make this precise, there is a function f() so that if j seconds have passed since the EMP was last used, then it is capable of destroying up to f (j) robots.
- So specifically, if it is used in the kth second, and it has been j seconds since it was previously used, then it will destroy min(xk, f (j)) robots. (After this use, it will be completely drained.)
- We will also assume that the EMP starts off completely drained, so if it is used for the first time in the jth second, then it is capable of destroying up to f(j) robots.
The problem. Given the data on robot arrivals x1, x2,..., xn, and given the recharging function f (·), choose the points in time at which you're going to activate the EMP so as to destroy as many robots as possible.
Q9. You're helping to run a high-performance computing system capable of processing several terabytes of data per day. For each of n days, you're presented with a quantity of data; on day i, you're presented with xi terabytes. For each terabyte you process, you receive a fixed revenue, but any unprocessed data becomes unavailable at the end of the day (i.e., you can't work on it in any future day).
You can't always process everything each day because you're constrained by the capabilities of your computing system, which can only process a fixed number of terabytes in a given day. In fact, it's running some one-of-a-kind software that, while very sophisticated, is not totally reliable, and so the amount of data you can process goes down with each day that passes since the most recent reboot of the system. On the first day after a reboot, you can process s1 terabytes, on the second day after a reboot, you can process s2 terabytes, and so on, up to sn; we assume s1 > s2 > s3 > ...> sn > 0. (Of course, on day i you can only process up to xi terabytes, regardless of how fast your system is.) To get the system back to peak performance, you can choose to reboot it; but on any day you choose to reboot the system, you can't process any data at all.
The problem. Given the amounts of available data x1, x2,..., xn for the next n days, and given the profile of your system as expressed by s1, s2,..., sn (and starting from a freshly rebooted system on day 1), choose the days on which you're going to reboot so as to maximize the total amount of data you process.
Q10. You're trying to run a large computing job in which you need to simulate a physical system for as many discrete steps as you can. The lab you're working in has two large supercomputers (which we'll call A and B) which are capable of processing this job. However, you're not one of the high-priority users of these supercomputers, so at any given point in time, you're only able to use as many spare cycles as these machines have available.
Here's the problem you face. Your job can only run on one of the machines in any given minute. Over each of the next n minutes, you have a "profile" of how much processing power is available on each machine. In minute i, you would be able to run ai > 0 steps of the simulation if your job is on machine A, and bi > 0 steps of the simulation if your job is on machine B. You also have the ability to move your job from one machine to the other; but doing this costs you a minute of time in which no processing is done on your job.
So, given a sequence of n minutes, a plan is specified by a choice of A, B, or "move" for each minute, with the property that choices A and B cannot appear in consecutive minutes. For example, if your job is on machine A in minute i, and you want to switch to machine B, then your choice for minute i + 1 must be move, and then your choice for minute i + 2 can be B. The value of a plan is the total number of steps that you manage to execute over the n minutes: so it's the sum of ai over all minutes in which the job is on A, plus the sum of bi over all minutes in which the job is on B.
The problem. Given values a1, a2,..., an and b1, b2,..., bn, find a plan of maximum value. (Such a strategy will be called optimal .) Note that your plan can start with either of the machines A or B in minute 1.
Q11. Suppose you're consulting for a company that manufactures PC equipment and ships it to distributors all over the country. For each of the next n weeks, they have a projected supply si of equipment (measured in pounds), which has to be shipped by an air freight carrier. Each week's supply can be carried by one of two air freight companies, A or B.
- Company A charges a fixed rate r per pound (so it costs r si to ship a week's supply si).
- Company B makes contracts for a fixed amount c per week, independent of the weight. However, contracts with company B must be made in blocks of four consecutive weeks at a time.
A schedule, for the PC company, is a choice of air freight company (A or B) for each of the n weeks, with the restriction that company B, whenever it is chosen, must be chosen for blocks of four contiguous weeks at a time. The cost of the schedule is the total amount paid to company A and B, according to the description above.
Give a polynomial-time algorithm that takes a sequence of supply values s1, s2,..., sn and returns a schedule of minimum cost.
Q12. Suppose we want to replicate a file over a collection of n servers, labeled S1, S2,..., Sn. To place a copy of the file at server Si results in a placement cost of ci, for an integer ci > 0.
Now, if a user requests the file from server Si, and no copy of the file is present at Si, then the servers Si+1, Si+2, Si+3 ... are searched in order until a copy of the file is finally found, say at server Sj, where j > i. This results in an access cost of j - i. (Note that the lower-indexed servers Si-1, Si-2,... are not consulted in this search.) The access cost is 0 if Si holds a copy of the file. We will require that a copy of the file be placed at server Sn, so that all such searches will terminate, at the latest, at Sn.
We'd like to place copies of the files at the servers so as to minimize the sum of placement and access costs. Formally, we say that a configuration is a choice, for each server Si with i = 1, 2,..., n - 1, of whether to place a copy of the file at Si or not. (Recall that a copy is always placed at Sn.) The total cost of a configuration is the sum of all placement costs for servers with a copy of the file, plus the sum of all access costs associated with all n servers.
Give a polynomial-time algorithm to find a configuration of minimum total cost.
Q13. The problem of searching for cycles in graphs arises naturally in financial trading applications. Consider a firm that trades shares in n different companies. For each pair i = j, they maintain a trade ratio rij, meaning that one share of i trades for rij shares of j. Here we allow the rate r to be fractional; that is, rij = 2/3 means that you can trade three shares of i to get two shares of j.
A trading cycle for a sequence of shares i1, i2,..., ik consists of successively trading shares in company i1 for shares in company i2, then shares in company i2 for shares i3, and so on, finally trading shares in ik back to shares in company i1. After such a sequence of trades, one ends up with shares in the same company i1 that one starts with. Trading around a cycle is usually a bad idea, as you tend to end up with fewer shares than you started with. But occasionally, for short periods of time, there are opportunities to increase shares. We will call such a cycle an opportunity cycle, if trading along the cycle increases the number of shares. This happens exactly if the product of the ratios along the cycle is above 1. In analyzing the state of the market, a firm engaged in trading would like to know if there are any opportunity cycles.
Give a polynomial-time algorithm that finds such an opportunity cycle, if one exists.
Q14. A large collection of mobile wireless devices can naturally forma network in which the devices are the nodes, and two devices x and y are connected by an edge if they are able to directly communicate with each other (e.g., by a short-range radio link). Such a network of wireless devices is a highly dynamic object, in which edges can appear and disappear over time as the devices move around. For instance, an edge (x, y) might disappear as x and y move far apart from each other and lose the ability to communicate directly.
In a network that changes over time, it is natural to look for efficient ways of maintaining a path between certain designated nodes. There are two opposing concerns in maintaining such a path: we want paths that are short, but we also do not want to have to change the path frequently as the network structure changes. (That is, we'd like a single path to continue working, if possible, even as the network gains and loses edges.) Here is a way we might model this problem.
Suppose we have a set of mobile nodes V, and at a particular point in time there is a set E0 of edges among these nodes. As the nodes move, the set of edges changes from E0 to E1, then to E2, then to E3, and so on, to an edge set Eb. For i = 0, 1, 2,..., b, let Gi denote the graph (V, Ei). So if we were to watch the structure of the network on the nodes V as a "time lapse," it would look precisely like the sequence of graphs G0, G1, G2,..., Gb-1, Gb. We will assume that each of these graphs Gi is connected.
Now consider two particular nodes s, t ∈ V. For an s-t path P in one of the graphs Gi, we define the length of P to be simply the number of edges in P, and we denote this l(P). Our goal is to produce a sequence of paths P0, P1 ,..., Pb so that for each i, Pi is an s-t path in Gi. We want the paths to be relatively short. We also do not want there to be too many changes-points at which the identity of the path switches. Formally, we define changes (P0, P1, ..., Pb) to be the number of indices i (0 ≤ i ≤ b - 1) for which Pi ≠ Pi+1.
Fix a constant K > 0. We define the cost of the sequence of paths P0, P1,..., Pb to be
cost(P0, P1,..., Pb) = i=0∑b(Pi) + K · changes(P0, P1,..., Pb).
(a) Suppose it is possible to choose a single path P that is an s-t path in each of the graphs G0, G1,..., Gb. Give a polynomial-time algorithm to find the shortest such path.
(b) Give a polynomial-time algorithm to find a sequence of paths P0, P1,..., Pb of minimum cost, where Pi is an s-t path in Gi for i = 0, 1, ..., b.
Q15. On most clear days, a group of your friends in the Astronomy Department gets together to plan out the astronomical events they're going to try observing that night. We'll make the following assumptions about the events.
- There are n events, which for simplicity we'll assume occur in sequence separated by exactly one minute each. Thus event j occurs at minute j; if they don't observe this event at exactly minute j, then they miss out on it.
- The sky is mapped according to a one-dimensional coordinate system (measured in degrees from some central baseline); event j will be taking place at coordinate dj, for some integer value dj. The telescope starts at coordinate 0 at minute 0.
- The last event, n, is much more important than the others; so it is required that they observe event n.
The Astronomy Department operates a large telescope that can be used for viewing these events. Because it is such a complex instrument, it can only move at a rate of one degree per minute. Thus they do not expect to be able to observe all n events; they just want to observe as many as possible, limited by the operation of the telescope and the requirement that event n must be observed.
We say that a subset S of the events is viewable if it is possible to observe each event j ∈ S at its appointed time j, and the telescope has adequate time (moving at its maximum of one degree per minute) to move between consecutive events in S.
The problem. Given the coordinates of each of the n events, find a viewable subset of maximum size, subject to the requirement that it should contain event n. Such a solution will be called optimal.
Q16. There are many sunny days in Ithaca, New York; but this year, as it happens, the spring ROTC picnic at Cornell has fallen on a rainy day. The ranking officer decides to postpone the picnic and must notify everyone by phone. Here is the mechanism she uses to do this.

Each ROTC person on campus except the ranking officer reports to a unique superior officer. Thus the reporting hierarchy can be described by a tree T, rooted at the ranking officer, in which each other node v has a parent node u equal to his or her superior officer. Conversely, we will call v a direct subordinate of u. See Figure 6.30, in which A is the ranking officer, B and D are the direct subordinates of A, and C is the direct subordinate of B.
To notify everyone of the postponement, the ranking officer first calls each of her direct subordinates, one at a time. As soon as each subordinate gets the phone call, he or she must notify each of his or her direct subordinates, one at a time. The process continues this way until everyone has been notified. Note that each person in this process can only call direct subordinates on the phone; for example, in Figure 6.30, A would not be allowed to call C.
We can picture this process as being divided into rounds. In one round, each person who has already learned of the postponement can call one of his or her direct subordinates on the phone. The number of rounds it takes for everyone to be notified depends on the sequence in which each person calls their direct subordinates. For example, in Figure 6.30, it will take only two rounds if A starts by calling B, but it will take three rounds if A starts by calling D.
Give an efficient algorithm that determines the minimum number of rounds needed for everyone to be notified, and outputs a sequence of phone calls that achieves this minimum number of rounds.
Q17. Your friends have been studying the closing prices of tech stocks, looking for interesting patterns. They've defined something called a rising trend, as follows.
They have the closing price for a given stock recorded for n days in succession; let these prices be denoted P[1], P[2],..., P[n] .A rising trend in these prices is a subsequence of the prices P[i1], P[i2],..., P[ik] , for days i1 < i2 < ...< ik, so that
- i1 = 1, and
- P[ij]< P[ij+1] for each j = 1,2,..., k - 1.
Thus a rising trend is a subsequence of the days-beginning on the first day and not necessarily contiguous-so that the price strictly increases over the days in this subsequence.
They are interested in finding the longest rising trend in a given sequence of prices.
Q18. Consider the sequence alignment problem over a four-letter alphabet {z1, z2, z3, z4}, with a given gap cost and given mismatch costs. Assume that each of these parameters is a positive integer.
Suppose you are given two strings A = a1a2... am and B = b1b2... bn and a proposed alignment between them. Give an O(mn) algorithm to decide whether this alignment is the unique minimum-cost alignment between A and B.
Q19. You're consulting for a group of people (who would prefer not to be mentioned here by name) whose jobs consist of monitoring and analyzing electronic signals coming from ships in coastal Atlantic waters. They want a fast algorithm for a basic primitive that arises frequently: "untangling" a superposition of two known signals. Specifically, they're picturing a situation in which each of two ships is emitting a short sequence of 0s and 1s over and over, and they want to make sure that the signal they're hearing is simply an interleaving of these two emissions, with nothing extra added in.
This describes the whole problem; we can make it a little more explicit as follows. Given a string x consisting of 0s and 1s, we write xk to denote k copies of x concatenated together. We say that a string x' is a repetition of x if it is a prefix of xk for some number k. So x' = 10110110110 is a repetition of x = 101.
We say that a string s is an interleaving of x and y if its symbols can be partitioned into two (not necessarily contiguous) subsequences s' and s'', so that s' is a repetition of x and s'' is a repetition of y. (So each symbol in s must belong to exactly one of s' or s''.) For example, if x = 101 and y = 00, then s = 100010101 is an interleaving of x and y, since characters 1,2,5,7,8,9 form 101101-a repetition of x-and the remaining characters 3,4,6 form 000-a repetition of y.
In terms of our application, x and y are the repeating sequences from the two ships, and s is the signal we're listening to: We want to make sure s "unravels" into simple repetitions of x and y. Give an efficient algorithm that takes strings s, x, and y and decides if s is an interleaving of x and y.
Q20. Suppose it's nearing the end of the semester and you're taking n courses, each with a final project that still has to be done. Each project will be graded on the following scale: It will be assigned an integer number on a scale of 1 to g > 1, higher numbers being better grades. Your goal, of course, is to maximize your average grade on the n projects.
You have a total of H > n hours in which to work on the n projects cumulatively, and you want to decide how to divide up this time. For simplicity, assume H is a positive integer, and you'll spend an integer number of hours on each project. To figure out how best to divide up your time, you've come up with a set of functions {fi: i = 1,2,..., n} (rough estimates, of course) for each of your n courses; if you spend h ≤ H hours on the project for course i, you'll get a grade of fi(h). (You may assume that the functions fi are non decreasing: if h < h', then fi(h) ≤ fi(h').)
So the problem is: Given these functions {fi}, decide how many hours to spend on each project (in integer values only) so that your average grade, as computed according to the fi, is as large as possible. In order to be efficient, the running time of your algorithm should be polynomial in n, g, and H; none of these quantities should appear as an exponent in your running time.
Q21. Some time back, you helped a group of friends who were doing simulations for a computation-intensive investment company, and they've come back to you with a new problem. They're looking at n consecutive days of a given stock, at some point in the past. The days are numbered i = 1, 2,..., n; for each day i, they have a price p(i) per share for the stock on that day.
For certain (possibly large) values of k, they want to study what they call k-shot strategies. A k-shot strategy is a collection of m pairs of days (b1, s1),..., (bm, sm), where 0 ≤ m ≤ k and 1≤ b1 < s1 < b2 < s2...< bm < sm ≤ n.
We view these as a set of up to k non overlapping intervals, during each of which the investors buy 1,000 shares of the stock (on day bi) and then sell it (on day si). The return of a given k-shot strategy is simply the profit obtained from the m buy-sell transactions, namely,
1,000i=1∑mp(si) - p(bi).
The investors want to assess the value of k-shot strategies by running simulations on their n-day trace of the stock price. Your goal is to design an efficient algorithm that determines, given the sequence of prices, the k- shot strategy with the maximum possible return. Since k may be relatively large in these simulations, your running time should be polynomial in both n and k; it should not contain k in the exponent.
Q22. To assess how "well-connected" two nodes in a directed graph are, one can not only look at the length of the shortest path between them, but can also count the number of shortest paths.
This turns out to be a problem that can be solved efficiently, subject to some restrictions on the edge costs. Suppose we are given a directed graph G = (V, E), with costs on the edges; the costs may be positive or negative, but every cycle in the graph has strictly positive cost. We are also given two nodes v, w ∈ V. Give an efficient algorithm that computes the number of shortest v-w paths in G. (The algorithm should not list all the paths; just the number suffices.)
Q23. Suppose you are given a directed graph G = (V, E) with costs on the edges ce for e ∈ E and a sink t (costs may be negative). Assume that you also have finite values d(v) for v ∈ V. Someone claims that, for each node v ∈ V, the quantity d(v) is the cost of the minimum-cost path from node v to the sink t.
(a) Give a linear-time algorithm (time O(m) if the graph has m edges) that verifies whether this claim is correct.
(b) Assume that the distances are correct, and d(v) is finite for all v ∈ V. Now you need to compute distances to a different sink t'. Give an O(m log n) algorithm for computing distances d' (v) for all nodes v ∈ V to the sink node t'. (Hint: It is useful to consider a new cost function defined as follows: for edge e = (v, w), let c'e = ce - d(v) + d(w). Is there a relation between costs of paths for the two different costs c and c'?)
Q24. Gerrymandering is the practice of carving up electoral districts in very careful ways so as to lead to outcomes that favor a particular political party. Recent court challenges to the practice have argued that through this calculated redistricting, large numbers of voters are being effectively (and intentionally) disenfranchised.
Computers, it turns out, have been implicated as the source of some of the "villainy" in the news coverage on this topic: Thanks to powerful software, gerrymandering has changed from an activity carried out by a bunch of people with maps, pencil, and paper into the industrial-strength process that it is today. Why is gerrymandering a computational problem? There are database issues involved in tracking voter demographics down to the level of individual streets and houses; and there are algorithmic issues involved in grouping voters into districts. Let's think a bit about what these latter issues look like.
Suppose we have a set of n precincts P1, P2,..., Pn, each containing m registered voters. We're supposed to divide these precincts into two districts, each consisting of n/2 of the precincts. Now, for each precinct, we have information on how many voters are registered to each of two political parties. (Suppose, for simplicity, that every voter is registered to one of these two.) We'll say that the set of precincts is susceptible to gerrymandering if it is possible to perform the division into two districts in such a way that the same party holds a majority in both districts.
Give an algorithm to determine whether a given set of precincts is susceptible to gerrymandering; the running time of your algorithm should be polynomial in n and m.
Q25. Consider the problem faced by a stockbroker trying to sell a large number of shares of stock in a company whose stock price has been steadily falling in value. It is always hard to predict the right moment to sell stock, but owning a lot of shares in a single company adds an extra complication: the mere act of selling many shares in a single day will have an adverse effect on the price.
Since future market prices, and the effect of large sales on these prices, are very hard to predict, brokerage firms use models of the market to help them make such decisions. In this problem, we will consider the following simple model. Suppose we need to sell x shares of stock in a company, and suppose that we have an accurate model of the market: it predicts that the stock price will take the values p1, p2,..., pn over the next n days. Moreover, there is a function f(·) that predicts the effect of large sales: if we sell y shares on a single day, it will permanently decrease the price by f(y) from that day onward. So, if we sell y1 shares on day 1, we obtain a price per share of p1 - f(y1), for a total income of y1 · (p1 - f(y1)). Having sold y1 shares on day 1, we can then sell y2 shares on day 2 for a price per share of p2 - f(y1) - f(y2); this yields an additional income of y2 · (p2 - f (y1) - f(y2)). This process continues over all n days. (Note, as in our calculation for day 2, that the decreases from earlier days are absorbed into the prices for all later days.)
Design an efficient algorithm that takes the prices p1,..., pn and the function f (·) (written as a list of values f(1), f(2),..., f(x)) and determines the best way to sell x shares by day n. In other words, find natural numbers y1, y2,..., yn so that x = y1 + ...+ yn, and selling yi shares on day i for i = 1,2,..., n maximizes the total income achievable. You should assume that the share value pi is monotone decreasing, and f (·) is monotone increasing; that is, selling a larger number of shares causes a larger drop in the price. Your algorithm's running time can have a polynomial dependence on n (the number of days), x (the number of shares), and p1 (the peak price of the stock).
Q26. Consider the following inventory problem. You are running a company that sells some large product (let's assume you sell trucks), and predictions tell you the quantity of sales to expect over the next n months. Let di denote the number of sales you expect in month i. We'll assume that all sales happen at the beginning of the month, and trucks that are not sold are stored until the beginning of the next month. You can store at most S trucks, and it costs C to store a single truck for a month. You receive shipments of trucks by placing orders for them, and there is a fixed ordering fee of K each time you place an order (regardless of the number of trucks you order). You start out with no trucks. The problem is to design an algorithm that decides how to place orders so that you satisfy all the demands {di}, and minimize the costs. In summary:
- There are two parts to the cost: (1) storage-it costs C for every truck on hand that is not needed that month; (2) ordering fees-it costs K for every order placed.
- In each month you need enough trucks to satisfy the demand di, but the number left over after satisfying the demand for the month should not exceed the inventory limit S.
Give an algorithm that solves this problem in time that is polynomial in n and S.
Q27. The owners of an independently operated gas station are faced with the following situation. They have a large underground tank in which they store gas; the tank can hold up to L gallons at one time. Ordering gas is quite expensive, so they want to order relatively rarely. For each order, they need to pay a fixed price P for delivery in addition to the cost of the gas ordered. However, it costs c to store a gallon of gas for an extra day, so ordering too much ahead increases the storage cost.
They are planning to close for a week in the winter, and they want their tank to be empty by the time they close. Luckily, based on years of experience, they have accurate projections for how much gas they will need each day until this point in time. Assume that there are n days left until they close, and they need gi gallons of gas for each of the days i = 1,..., n. Assume that the tank is empty at the end of day 0. Give an algorithm to decide on which days they should place orders, and how much to order so as to minimize their total cost.
Q28. Recall the scheduling problem from Section 4.2 in which we sought to minimize the maximum lateness. There are n jobs, each with a deadline di and a required processing time ti, and all jobs are available to be scheduled starting at time s. For a job i to be done, it needs to be assigned a period from si ≥ s to fi = si + ti, and different jobs should be assigned non overlapping intervals. As usual, such an assignment of times will be called a schedule.
In this problem, we consider the same setup, but want to optimize a different objective. In particular, we consider the case in which each job must either be done by its deadline or not at all. We'll say that a subset J of the jobs is schedulable if there is a schedule for the jobs in J so that each of them finishes by its deadline. Your problem is to select a schedulable subset of maximum possible size and give a schedule for this subset that allows each job to finish by its deadline.
(a) Prove that there is an optimal solution J (i.e., a schedulable set of maximum size) in which the jobs in J are scheduled in increasing order of their deadlines.
(b) Assume that all deadlines di and required times ti are integers. Give an algorithm to find an optimal solution. Your algorithm should run in time polynomial in the number of jobs n, and the maximum deadline D = maxidi.
Q29. Let G = (V, E) be a graph with n nodes in which each pair of nodes is joined by an edge. There is a positive weight wij on each edge (i, j); and we will assume these weights satisfy the triangle inequality wik ≤ wij + wjk. For a subset V' ⊆ V, we will use G[V'] to denote the subgraph (with edge weights) induced on the nodes in V'.
We are given a set X ⊆ V of k terminals that must be connected by edges. We say that a Steiner tree on X is a set Z so that X ⊆ Z ⊆ V, together with a spanning sub-tree T of G[Z]. The weight of the Steiner tree is the weight of the tree T.
Show that there is function f (·) and a polynomial function p(·) so that the problem of finding a minimum-weight Steiner tree on X can be solved in time O(f (k) · p(n)).