
In the same database application from challenge 1 create a

The Internet and Microsoft Office Requirements Microsoft Access VBA Programming - Object-Orientated Programming with Access VBA

1. Read pages 291 through 316.

2. Participate in Discussion Question 6.1 (DQ6.1)

3. Complete Programming Challenges 1 through 4 on page 316.

A. Program Challenge 1: Create a new database called BookStore with one table called Books.

Add the columns ISBN,Title,PublishDate, and Price to theBooks table. Add a few records to the Books table. Create a new connection class called CustomConnection that connects to your BookStore database. The new class should have two methods-one method for opening an ADO Connection object and a second method for closing the ADO Connection object.

The method that opens a database connection should take a single string argument, which represents the path and filename of the database. [Place a screen capture here of the code for the two methods making the ADO connections.]

B. Program Challenge 2: In the same database application from Challenge 1, create a new class called Books. This class should have a read-only property for each column in the Books table.

Create a method in the Books class called FindBook. The FindBook method should take in an ISBN. Build a SQL string based on the ISBN and use ADO programming techniques to open a recordset and assign the recordset field values to the class's matching properties. You should use the CustomConnection class to create and retrieve any Connection objects.

[Place a screen capture here of code for the FindBook method.]

C. Program Challenge 3: Enhance Challenges 1 and 2 by building a form with controls that allow a user to find a book by entering an ISBN. Use your Books class from Challenge 2 to find and retrieve book details. [Place a screen capture here of the form you developed.]

D. Program Challenge 4: Enhance the user interface from Challenge 3 to allow a user to add and remove books. To accomplish this, you need to modify the Books class from Challenge 2 by adding two methods called AddBook and RemoveBook.

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Visual Basic Programming: In the same database application from challenge 1 create a
Reference No:- TGS02719690

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