
In the reviewquiz application we created 2 review objects

Methods can be useful for performing the same actions repeatedly for various inputs. In this lab, we will update the ReviewQuiz class from the previous lab to include a method that outputs the data from a Review object.

In the ReviewQuiz application, we created 2 Review objects. We wrote five statements to display the data in the first Review object, and rewrote five similar statements to display the data in the second Review object. We will replace these sets of statements with a call to a static method that will perform these actions.

Download and import the ReviewQuiz and Review classes into Eclipse. In the ReviewQuiz class, make a static method named printReview that accepts a Reviewparameter. The body of this method will output the same data that each set of 5 statements outputs for each Review object. The return type for this method can be void.

After the printReview method is completed, replace each set of 5 statements in the main method with a call to printReview. Upload the updated ReviewQuiz.java source file

public class Review {
	// instance variables
	private String productName;
	private int stars;
	private String feedback;
	private int helpfulCount;
	private int notHelpfulCount;
	// constructor
	// Note that helpfulCount and notHelpfulCount are not parameters.
	// These variables must be initialized to zero, per the assignment.
	// All numeric instance variables are set to zero by default.
	public Review(String productName, int stars, String feedback) {
		this.productName = productName;
		this.feedback = feedback;
		// Verify that stars is between 1 and 5.
		if (stars >= 1 && stars <= 5) {
			this.stars = stars;

	// getter and setter methods
	public String getProductName() {
		return productName;
	public void setProductName(String productName) {
		this.productName = productName;
	public int getStars() {
		return stars;
	public void setStars(int stars) {
		// Verify that stars is between 1 and 5.
		if (stars >= 1 && stars <= 5) {
			this.stars = stars;
	public String getFeedback() {
		return feedback;
	public void setFeedback(String feedback) {
		this.feedback = feedback;
	public int getHelpfulCount() {
		return helpfulCount;
	public int getNotHelpfulCount() {
		return notHelpfulCount;
	// markHelpfulness method
	// Increment either helpfulCount or notHelpfulCount, based on the
	// value of the helpful parameter.
	public void markHelpfulness(boolean helpful) {
		if (helpful) {
		} else {
public class ReviewQuiz {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Make 2 calls to the constructor to create 2 Review objects.
		Review review1 = new Review("Super Mario Odyssey", 5, "Best Mario game ever!");
		Review review2 = new Review("Honey Nut Cheerios", 1, "I have never used this product.");
		// 2 people found the first review helpful...
		// ... and 1 person found it unhelpful.
		// 4 people found the second review unhelpful.

		// Display the first review.
		System.out.printf("Product: %s%n", review1.getProductName());
		System.out.printf("Rating: %d star(s)%n", review1.getStars());
		System.out.printf("Feedback: %s%n", review1.getFeedback());
		double helpfulnessPct = review1.getHelpfulCount() * 100.0 / (review1.getHelpfulCount() + review1.getNotHelpfulCount());
		System.out.printf("%.2f%% of users found this review helpful%n", helpfulnessPct);
		// blank line
		// Display the second review.
		System.out.printf("Product: %s%n", review2.getProductName());
		System.out.printf("Rating: %d star(s)%n", review2.getStars());
		System.out.printf("Feedback: %s%n", review2.getFeedback());
		helpfulnessPct = review2.getHelpfulCount() * 100.0 / (review2.getHelpfulCount() + review2.getNotHelpfulCount());
		System.out.printf("%.2f%% of users found this review helpful", helpfulnessPct);



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JAVA Programming: In the reviewquiz application we created 2 review objects
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