Before participating in the discussion, please make sure you have completed the readings and have comprehensively analyzed "The Raise" interactive scenario to ensure you can fully address the prompt.
In "The Raise" scenario, you were asked to construct arguments in favor of getting a raise. Using the knowledge you gained from the "The Raise" scenario, pick something that you are passionate about and create an argument, either inductive or deductive, to present your strongest position on that issue. Present your argument in premise-conclusion form. View the following human rights videos listed under this week's required multimedia:
Gem Slaves: Tanzanite's child labour - Part - 1
Why women count video clip collection: Southeast Asia, Pacific, Caribbean, Latin America
Children and human rights, part 1: Rights & wrongs - Human rights television
Child labor, part 1: Rights & wrongs - Human rights television
Focus your analysis on a specific contemporary human rights issue. You can use an issue from these videos or use what you learn in these videos to address another specific issue that is of interest to you.
Use the "Steps for Evaluating an Argument" template to help you structure your response. After you have completed the argument template, you will then be able to use that template to write out a narrative response in which you cover all the elements that were included in the argument template.