
In the origin of species by charles darwin he explains the

Discussion Board question "world civilization"

Watch the documentaries/lectures and complete the readings. In your post please ADDRESS BOTH QUESTIONS below.

On page 224, second column, last paragraph, J.A. Hobson states: "Imperialism is a depraved choice of national life, imposed by self-seeking interests which appeal to the lusts of quantitative acquisitiveness and forceful domination surviving in a nation from earlier centuries of animal struggle for existence. Its adoption as a policy implies a deliberate renunciation of that cultivation of the higher inner qualities which for a nation as for an individual constitutes the ascendancy of reason over brute force." How does Hobson apply Darwin's theory of evolution? What does your response to the latter question tell students of history about the advantages and/or disadvantages of Darwinian theory in the context of European imperialism?

• The approximate length for posts and responses will be 50 to 100 words.
• For weekly discussion, each student will have 1 post and 2 responses (that is, 150-300 words in total for each week).
• Points will be deducted for late participation in weekly forum discussions.
• Forum discussions will be evaluated on creativity of analysis of weekly readings.

Watch the video and the reading the write a discussion and respond the two discuttion below.



Discussions that needs responed:

Discussion 1:

Title: Darwin Vs. Hobson

In the "Origin of Species", by Charles Darwin, he explains the theory of Natural Selection or Survival of the Fittest. This theory states that only the strongest ones, those that can deal with changes in environment or food availability, for example, are the ones that will survive. This means that Nature is wise enough to only allow for a limited number of organisms living at a time, otherwise the Earth would be overpopulated. Darwin also explains that this theory works given random changes or variability and compares it with how men methodically select or make choices that would benefit him. Similarly, J.A. Hobson, in "Imperialism", explains how those who are in the government take advantage and make political choices based on how these would affect them and their social and economic status, while these decisions should be based on how they would affect a nation and its people. Hebson also contrasts Darwin's theory of evolution when he explains how men evolved from making political decisions for the good of a nation to making these decisions for their own personal good, following an impulse and not reason. Darwin's theory is a disadvantage for European Imperialism because it explains how whenever there is variation or changes in an environment (whether it is natural or political), changes can result that make organisms more fit to survive in this new environment. However, in Imperialism, changes are only being made to benefit a small portion of society. For example, when the British invaded other countries and beat the natives living there, these natives might have developed (modified) ideas or ways in which they could survive despite of the intruders.

Discussion 2:

Title: Imperialism

Darwin's theory of evolution concluded that the strongest will survive over other species but not because of physical strength. The strongest were to survive because they were searching and fighting for ways to remain existent such as looking for power in weaker regions which lead to overcoming land and looking for resources. Because the Europeans sought to believe that they were the most powerful race amongst the other races making the other races considered weak. This is compared to the survival of the fittest. Imperialists used the same concept to conquer foreign territory believing that affirming their dominance to the weak to make themselves stronger was natural

The reading are attached

• (Important Note: The last reading below "Thomas Bender pp.182-245" is not a primary source. It is not evidence at ground zero of the historical period you are examining. It is a secondary source. It is two or more generations detached from the historical event you are studying. It is a chapter in a book by Thomas Bender, A Nation Among Nations: America's Place in World History, (Hill and Wang, 2006). I want all of you to pay close attention, as you read this chapter, to how Bender uses primary sources to support his argument. This reading will also be on the weekly quiz.)

This note is only for the last one attached "Thomas Bender pp.182-245"

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History: In the origin of species by charles darwin he explains the
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