
In the next thirty 30 minutes please write a letter to me

Writing Assessment Essay - Rhetoric

Our CANVAS site- will be going over this next session.

Writing Assessment Essay-

First place the following information in the top right hand corner of your text: Your full name, the last year, level, and institution of education, your title and company if applicable, your cell phone number, and your e-mail address.

In the next thirty (30) minutes, please write a letter to me answering to the best of your ability the following questions:

  • What constitutes good (versus poor) business writing?
  • Provide deeper explication and analysis of three concrete examples on each side of the question. Three important positive qualities you would include in strong business writing; three immediate red flags you have observed (or imagine would be present) in poor business writing.
  • Conclude by considering whether Business Writing is, or should be considered, a separate genre, and if so, how/why?

When your time is up, please upload these letters into the Assignment #1 on our CANVAS site.

Quick Background-

  • The Ethical Appeal
  • The Pathetic Appeal
  • The Logical Appeal
  • How we use each
  • How we combine two or more of them at a time
  • Context
  • Discourse Communities
  • How all of this relates to our first graded assignment, The CEO Report.

Personal Cover Letter - Rhetorical Analysis -

  • I will e-mail you an extensive exercise packet on Classical Rhetoric this evening.
  • In a personal cover letter to me, please market three of your rhetorical strengths as a worker, student, or other role of your choice. Ultimately, I want you to consider how you would market yourself to me as a rhetorical strategist, but in whatever context you choose.
  • Please counter by sharing one rhetorical weakness, as well.
  • Important: consider how you will position the three strengths, how they should build upon, and/or relate to, each other.
  • Determine how best to incorporate the weakness, as well.
  • Be strategic in how you structure your letter with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Remember to consider what discourse communities you function in most often, and how those discourse communities might influence the rhetorical strategies you use every day.

PREVIEW: CEO Report - 3-5 pages -

  • Your first graded paper is a rhetorical analysis of a CEO who leads one of the publicly-traded companies I have listed.
  • You will need to research this CEO and gather at least three articles about the CEO (beyond the material on his/her website), and three samples of this CEO's writing communication style.
  • You will begin with a standard, unembellished, biography of that CEO, but then shift into analysis thereof, focusing on three key leadership strategies you observe about his/her leadership.
  • You will focus your body paragraphs on these three elements. Body paragraphs should contain a topic sentence, evidence, and analysis.
  • You will write a conclusion in which you consider the larger implications behind what you have learned about this person's leadership style.

Overview -

  • Course protocol - when to contact me
  • Discussion of the Rhetoric Exercises, which you are not passing in
  • Personal Rhetorical Analysis - due tonight
  • Grammar Quiz 1 and 2
  • Comma Usage and Effective Writing
  • CEO Report Introduction
  • CEO Report Research
  • CEO Report Samples
  • Fortune 500 List

Overall Structure -

  • Brief biography - ¾ of a page, to a page long.
  • Introductory Thesis paragraph in which you make the shift to analytical writing about your CEO.
  • In this paragraph, you will isolate at least three rhetorical strategies/qualities you have noticed in your CEO's leadership style (or lack thereof), but also include a sentence addressing what you believe is significant about the combination thereof, which is your thesis.
  • At least three body paragraphs, ideally focused on one of each strategy/quality mentioned above.
  • A strong conclusion that looks at the "bigger picture" implications of what you have discovered.

Introductory Thesis Paragraph -

  • After the quick - ¾ to 1 page - bio, you need to make a rather marked shift into analysis.
  • Construct an opening sentence that introduces the shift from biography to analysis in a clear, concise manner. Example: "What I find most striking, compelling, shocking, worrisome, exciting, etc. about CEO's leadership style is..."
  • Isolate the three rhetorical strategies/qualities you are going to focus on...
  • VERY IMPORTANT: Include a closing sentence in which you briefly address what is important about the combination thereof. THIS IS YOUR THESIS...

Body Paragraph Structure -

  • Topic Sentence that states an analytical claim about one area of focus
  • Evidence - concrete and specific examples - content that proves that claim. This evidence should remain focused and targeted.
  • Analysis that comments on the evidence and claim, and closes the paragraph.
  • Stitching or transition moves that introduce the next paragraph.


  • Despite what is often mistakenly thought, your conclusion is not just a rehearsal of your thesis statement.
  • Rather, your conclusion should address the larger implications, "the bigger picture," so to speak, of what you have discovered about your CEO.

Intro Summary, Thesis, Outline and Conclusion Assignment (ISTOC)-

  • Introductory Summary
  • Thesis
  • Body Paragraph Outline
  • Conclusion

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Dissertation: In the next thirty 30 minutes please write a letter to me
Reference No:- TGS01605104

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