
In the minds of many experts the most worrisome wme threat


1. The trend towards geographic concentration of infrastructures has resulted in all of the following trends, EXCEPT:

A. Nearly one-third of waterborne container shipments pass through the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
B. More than half of all U.S. commercial airliners are maintained by repair facilities located in Miami.
C. About 25 percent of pharmaceuticals are manufactured in Puerto Rico.
D. Over 36 percent of freight railcars pass through Illinois, primarily around Chicago.

2. In the minds of many experts, the most worrisome WME threat of all is

A. a lone wolf terrorist.
B. a release of smallpox.
C. cyanide chemical agents.
D. a radiological dispersal device ("dirty bomb").

3. The National Strategy for Homeland Security recognized that "effective preparation for catastrophic natural disasters and man-made disasters" was

A. not related to homeland security.
B. the lynchpin of homeland security.
C. not homeland security per se, but increased the security of the nation.
D. none of the above.

4. With the evolution of homeland security protection strategies since 9/11, it is believed that focusing increased resources on the protection of individual key resources may be a mistake because

A. key resources are vital to the United States.
B. critical infrastructures are themselves interconnected and interdependent.
C. the links between key resources are less important than the facilities themselves.
D. critical infrastructures stand alone and are more deserving of protective resources.

5. SCADA systems are particularly vulnerable because

A. they never require human interaction.
B. they were initially designed to maximize functionality, not security.
C. the computer systems used are all connected to the Internet.
D. the systems are completely independent and therefore vulnerable to hacker attacks.

6. "One of the emerging characteristics of our interconnected society is the notion that information should be not only available to all, but also modifiable by all." This statement describes

A. open source society and information integrity.
B. the main problem with the Internet.
C. a significant risk to national security.
D. the inability of cyberdefense to protect our IT systems.

7. A combination of technological breakthroughs and changes in the geopolitical balance, among other alterations in the global spectrum, strongly suggests that future conflicts involving U.S. military forces would be

A. limited to third-world countries.
B. fought entirely "online."
C. between geosynchronous satellites.
D. asymmetric in nature.

8. In the "wave" theory of terrorism, a group that has sought to "realize a utopian vision of a radically perfected society on the local level" is an example of a

A. Fifth Wave group.
B. Second Wave group.
C. Fourth Wave group.
D. Third Wave group.

9. Critical infrastructure can be thought of as

A. important structures in a city.
B. only those structures that are terrorist targets.
C. a grouping or network of similar key resources.
D. all of the above

10. The two components that have been identified in the al-Qaeda strategy to overwhelm, distract, and exhaust its adversaries are operational and

A. religious.
B. economic.
C. political.
D. rhetorical.

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Dissertation: In the minds of many experts the most worrisome wme threat
Reference No:- TGS02436356

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